Saint Joan of Arc Feast Day The feast day for Joan of Arc is celebrated on May 30th every year which is the anniversary of her death by burning in the old square of Rouen on May 30, Saint Joan of Arc's feast day is a chance to remember her for the great woman of faith that she was and to celebrate her ultimate victory over evil. As Pope Benedict XV proclaimed in 1920 at Joan of Arc's canonization ceremony: "May the whole world hear, and just as it has come to admire her brave deeds in defense of her country, may it now and henceforward venerate her as a most brilliantly shining light of the Church Triumphant."
Coming soon! The Little Prince is an upcoming 3D computer animated fantasy film based on the 1943 novella The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The film is directed by Mark Osborne and the script is written by Irena Brignull. The film stars Marion Cotillard, James Franco, Rachel McAdams, and Jeff Bridges. The film will be released on October 7, prince-trailer/20495/
Grades are due today! 1. Your grade is your grade! There’s no more chances for re- tests or doing extra credit now. 2. Either show me your book # or give me the receipt for your book. You MAY keep it until the day of your exam. 3. Please take your notebooks home! 4. PLEASE START STUDYING THIS WEEKEND! You have the format and the exam study guide. 5. Monday: All papers, games, projects back! Finish films! 6. Tuesday: Bring French goodies to eat/drink!
F 3 Ivone C: Oral grade-poem (SEE ME) & finish your quiz, then daily oral grade-5 phrases Sam R.: daily oral grade-5 phrases (last one) 1. Papers back 2. Several of you: show fairy tales ! 3. Rest: After papers are given back, Listen quietly to the fairy tales as you Draw out what you’d like on your canvas & start painting! 4. NE PARLEZ PAS! Monday 6/2: painting & review for exam. Tuesday 6/3: Painting done? FFF! SENIOR EXAM & AWARDS! Wed. 6/4-French 3 Exam 7:25 a.m.
F 2 ALL 1. Per. 2, 4, 7- finished rounds of games? VOTE! 2. All: Start “The Rocket” movie 7 th -Senior exam (M.V.-in hall) Mon: Papers back, finish film, etc. Tues: FFF!
3 rd - See DC
F 1 5 th : Jevon, Nick,Caique, Marlon, Cameron-NOTEBOOKS? 1. ANY Last 1 or 2 5FF presenters? 2. Questions about final exam? 3. See movie: “Tintin” Mon: Papers back, Finish film, etc. Tues: FFF!