Juan’s Journey Unit 2 Week 1 Inside Out
Today, we’re going to read Juan’s Journey; it is a fictional story. Teacher Slide 1 This week’s concept is “kindness.” Kindness is thinking of and doing for others to show you care. Let’s discuss the web. What else can we add to it to aid us in our understanding of “Kindness?” This week we’re going to read about ways people have showed kindness to others. Some people show kindness to people they know. Others show kindness to complete strangers. Today, we’re going to read Juan’s Journey; it is a fictional story. Inside Out
In the community Kindness At school At home Inside Out
Teacher Slide 2 Picture Walk Page 3-5… The story talks about the way that Juan and his family live. What does this picture tell you about their lives? Page 8-9… the picture on page 8 shows what Juan wishes for. What does this tell you about Juan? Migrant farmers travel from farm to farm picking crops in fields. Where do you think Juan and his family are headed next? Inside Out
Let’s Take a Picture Walk… Page 3-5 What does this picture tell us about their lives? Page 8-9 What is Juan wishing for? Inside Out
Using Special Talents Unit 2 Week 1 Inside Out
What do you know about the word volunteered? Teacher Slide 1 What do you know about the word volunteered? When someone says they’ll do something for free or without obligation. What have you volunteered to do? What do you know about emerge? What do you know about permanent? Inside Out
The Challenges of Storm Chasing Volunteer Emerge Permanent Inside Out
Discuss student learning from what they’ve read so far. Teacher Slide 2 Discuss student learning from what they’ve read so far. What are some similarities in ways people help? What are some differences in ways people help? Read some orally. Model, choral, and independent. Discuss. Inside Out
When the disaster’s OVER Unit 2 Week 1 Inside Out
Tell me a little about what you’ve learned today in your reading. Teacher Slide 1 I know that today you are reading about Americans who help others after disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes. Tell me a little about what you’ve learned today in your reading. Things to Discuss: How do rescue groups get fresh water for survivors when the water supply is not safe? How would a groups such as FEMA decide what should get rebuilt first in a community? Are news stories helpful or hurtful when a disaster strikes? Explain. Inside Out
Inside Out Unit 2 Story 1 Inside Out
emerge migrant cocoon sketched caterpillar disrespect unscrewed Teacher Slide 1: caterpillar cocoon disrespect emerge migrant sketched unscrewed Inside Out
emerge migrant cocoon sketched caterpillar disrespect unscrewed Inside Out
I see a suffix I know: -ish I see a word I know now: yellow Teacher Slide 2 First look for meaningful parts. If I see a part I know, such as –ed or –ing, then I look for a Base word. I see a suffix I know: -ish I see a word I know now: yellow I put the parts together: yellow ish I know that is means “a bit ”. I know that this word means a bit yellow. Let’s read this word together… yellowish. Let’s try a few more. Inside Out
yellow ish Inside Out
discovered rippling interesting intrigued wondered beautiful Inside Out
discovered rippling interesting intrigued wondered beautiful Note: I will copy these and cut them apart so students will have a copy to read from Inside Out
Now let’s read these words in sentences. Teacher Slide 3: Now let’s read these words in sentences. Use the same strategy we practiced if you come across a word you don’t know. Fluency Notes: Touch on phrasing and punctuation if needed. Inside Out
An explorer discovered the new world. The water was rippling after the boat passed. The student was intrigued by the presenter’s information. Mary wondered when her mom would arrive to pick her up. A fall sunset is beautiful on a clear night. Note: I will copy these and cut them apart so students will have a copy to read from. Inside Out
Take a picture walk. Discuss children’s observations. Teacher Slide 4- Inside Out- Tuesday Comprehension Lesson , pages 146-153 (Green) Before Reading Yesterday we read about a family of migrant farmers. Today we will read about another child in a family of migrant workers and how he deals with a new school. Take a picture walk. Discuss children’s observations. *page 148-149- Francisco is on page 149. what does the picture tell you about Francisco and his classmates? We’ll read why Francisco feels different? *page 155- What is on Francisco’s shirt? As we read let’s see how Francisco wins the ribbon. During Reading *Story – Create a Venn to compare Francisco and Curtis. Predict. Inside Out
Inside Out
Discuss “comparing and contrasting”. Teacher Slide 5- Discuss “comparing and contrasting”. Key Words: like, as, similar, unlike, as opposed to, while Francisco and Jan were both sons of migrant farmers. This tells how they are the same. Juan’s Journey tells about Juan’s experience on a farm, while Inside Out tells about Francisco’s experience in school. This tells how the stories are different. Return to Venn Diagram we started yesterday. Add to it. Questions to aid in comparing: How are Curtis and Francisco different? How are Curtis and Francisco similar? Why were Francisco’s art lessons different from those of the rest of the class? Inside Out
Inside Out- Wednesday Comprehension Lesson , pages 154-157 (Green) Before Reading Retell partner what happened yesterday. Partner B tell what heard and add anything that was left out. Did anyone have any questions from yesterday or about today’s reading you’d like to share before we begin? During Reading *Story and Add to G.O. After Reading: How is Francisco like the butterfly? Use the picture cards to sequence the story. Discuss the theme. Discuss the setting. Inside Out