My Poems By: Usama Usman 5A
Shape poems Acrostic poem Onomatopoeia couplets Biography poem Haiku Haikus, page 2 Cinquain Limerick On these pages, there is a blue button in the corner which takes you back to this page. The other button that looks like a “play” button goes to the next page. Contents
Shape poems Mindstorm, no ego Cool Programmable, interesting, Lego® Lots and lots of pieces in a pool Rept ile thing, ball sorter, maybe Even scare your sister! Mindstorm not for a baby Build it, Don’ t get a blister Apple pie Delicious, scrumptious, tasty Flour, green apples, but not someone’s’ eye Mix them, don’t make it hasty Bake it, not fry
Is very Understanding Smart for his age Amazing at Lego Maths genius Has A sister Acrostic
A robot … steering boats? Or so a university gloats! Whap! Whap! Whap! Who wants a slap? You’re in danger, Nemo! Don’t look at me … no! Onomatopoeia couplets
Usama Smart, attentive, really helpful and creative. Son of Usman and Somaiya. Who felt excited riding a two wheels bike for the first time. Who needs friends and food. Who gives help and friendship. Who fears extremely small places, drowning and too much work. Who would like to ride a real roller coaster, go to an aqua park and program a robot. Resident of Al-Gharrafa, Doha, Qatar Ahmad Biography poem
Haiku Seasons Unlike most countries Qatar has two seasons, yes Very hot and cold ほとんどの国とは異なり カタールは、 2 つの季節を持ってはい 非常にホット&コールド Da Vinci robot Surgical machine Abdominal surgery Costs lots of money 外科マシン 腹部手術 お金のコストロット
Haikus, page 2 Uniform Worn on the school day In the colour of the flag Showing our emblem Chairs Everyday object Deslolate in the silence Hard surface, blue rail
Cinquains Laptop Small, very cool Browsing, calculating, showing My laptop’s very advanced Netbook
The Golf Club I once knew a bub Whose friend was a golf club He didn’t know Why it was so low And it was eaten by a cub Limerick
Thank you very much, But don’t break your leg, You’d need a crutch, Eat an egg! Thank you!