Venus Transit 2004 France Thierry Midavaine Club Eclipse AFA VT may 2004 / Prague
Head lines zFrench Association Network zTechnical preparation zWeather issues zTime keeping zObservation and recording zDissemination
French National Associations zAFA xNetworking of 170 local astronomical associations as Nuit des Etoiles event x“Ciel et Espace” june issue with several papers xConcours xRencontres du Ciel et de l’Espace 2004 zSAF xEdition of a dedicated issue of « L’ASTRONOMIE »
Other National Associations zPlanète Science yDedicated to support young and student groups zCLEA (Comité de Liaison Enseignant Astronome) yWeb site yNetwork of french teachers and college class from Spitzberg to La Réunion island. zAUDE...
Club Eclipse z16 members from Paris area zActivities around experimental projects zMissions in Observatories 60cm class telescopes zTransient events yPhemu yOccultation by asteroids and satellites zDetectors and acquisition process
Technical Preparation zSysteme features yLocation: Long Lat Alt in WGS84 frame, Time keeping yOptic:Filter transmission, Pupil diameter, focal length ySize and pitch of the detector ySpectral bandwidth yframe rate yframe recording format zExploitation process
Weather issues: Moving or not Theyr, GFS
Time keeping at 1 sec accuracy zQuartz Clock zAtomic Clock through a communication link yAllouis emitter (French railway network) yLW radio France Inter ySpeaking Clock through phone link yInternet:NTP Tardis, Dimension 4 yDCF 77 yGPS zInternal clock from PC
NTP/GPS Comparison (Guillaume Dubos)
Drift between the 15Hz frame rate of a Web cam and 1Pulse /sec from DCF77
Acoustic timing
Synchronisation test video/sound track Antenne Web-cam PC Microphone HP 1kHz
Questions about the Venus Transit? zIs there is a real black drop effect? Or on the contrary a white or colored ring effect due to Venus atmosphere? zDoes the contact occures simultaneously in every color, H , and Infrared due to sun atmosphere refraction
Dissemination after the event zRencontres du Ciel et de l ’Espace Paris 12, 13, 14, nov 2004 z Call for paper for a Venus Transit session