USPS Summer Rendezvous Photo Album Slides will advance after 8 seconds or with mouse click West Basin Marina St. Joseph, Michigan June 21-23, 2013 Hosted by: Nancy & Bob Beall
Much preparation went into the annual HSPS Rendezvous HSPS Captains piloted their vessels in from various ports on Lake Michigan
Members and friends enjoyed a Friday Evening together. Stories of sailing and plans to do more where shared all around.
Furry little motorized creatures amused the crowd. On Saturday morning, many of the members gathered for breakfast to plan the day.
Some ventured into town and others took dinghies up the Paw Paw River Cmd. Barb Weigand started the evening festivities.
Dinner was enjoyed by all who attended.
On Sunday, the party was packed and Captains made for home ports. Special Thanks to Nancy & Bob Beall who coordinated this year’s event. Well Done!