Mammals Are we mammals?
What will we learn? We will learn: What mammals are? What mammals look like and Whether we are also mammals?
Now lets look closer at mammals. We see that most mammals have 4 limbs?
Now you’ve probably noticed that one of the mammals don’t have 4 limbs. They have two flippers, but also have bones in their flippers that are like a elephant, bat, and monkey’s bones.
Now lets look closer at mammals. We see that mammals have hair on their bodies?
Now lets look closer at mammals. We see that mammals nurse their helpless young which are born alive?
Now lets look closer at mammals. We see that mammals have large brains?
So what do we know about mammals? We saw that most mammals have 4 limbs. We saw that mammals have hair on their bodies. We know that mammals nurse their young who are born alive. We know that mammal babies are helpless at birth and need care from their mothers.
Lets look at some examples of what mammals look like.
Lets look at some examples of what mammals look like.
But now we can sort it into different groups. Could you see that the mammals can be divided into separate groups? Yes, I’m sure you saw that they can be divided into 4 groups, namely: Wild mammals , Farm mammals, Sea mammals and House mammals (also known as pets).
Sorting into the 4 groups Farm mammals House mammals Sea mammals Wild mammals
So are we mammals? Do we have 4 limbs? Do we have hair on our bodies? Do we give birth to live young? Are our babies helpless at birth and need care from their mothers? Do we have large brains?
If you’re still not convinced, maybe pictures will convince you…
Are we mammals? Yes we are! We are called primates and we also fall under mammals. We have 4 limbs, hair on our bodies, large brains and our young are born alive and we also nurse them.
Bibliography Printmaster 12 (Pictures) Encarta 2004 (Information & pictures) Intel Teach to the Future