As long as there have been people, there have been couples.
As long as there have been couples, there have been families.
As long as there have been families, there have been families in transition.
And of course, when there are families in transition, there are often kids in the middle...
The Sad Truth In the United States, one million new kids become part of divorced families every year In Missouri, in 2001, there were almost 25,000 divorces* *Over 22,000 kids were part of those families in transition
How do people cope? Therapists Clergy Family Friends Co-workers Physicians Adults have always had someone to talk to about separation and divorce:
Adults usually know what is about to happen; they often have time to prepare themselves emotionally – kids don’t.
When parents get divorced kids feel... Helpless
Like their lives are out of control
Kids In the Middle can help.
KITM helps kids talk about what bugs them about divorce.
We help children and families change from this...
To this...
Divorce Hurts. Kids In the Middle Helps!
© 2008 Kids In the Middle, St. Louis, MO XGAD To inquire about services or make a donation contact us! 121 West Monroe Avenue Kirkwood, MO Thank you for your support! Call to find out how you can help us help kids. (314)