Week 7 – Core beliefs Dr. Paul Wong, D.Psyc.(Clinical) SOWK6190/SOWK6127 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Intervention Week 7 – Core beliefs Dr. Paul Wong, D.Psyc.(Clinical)
Outline Review of homework Recap of what we have learn This week’s agenda In-class activities Homework
Core beliefs Key: Schemas are cognitive structures within the mind; the specific content of which are core beliefs. Core beliefs are usually global, overgeneralized, and absolute.
Schema-focused therapy http://www.schematherapy.com/id201.htm http://www.schematherapy.com/Revised%20schema%20theory%20complete%20Feb%202004%20b_files/v3_document.htm http://www.schematherapy.com/id73.htm
When to deal with core beliefs? How strong their therapeutic alliance is? How strongly the client believes the cognitive model? How activated her core beliefs are in session? How much insight she already has? How concrete her thinking is?
What do you do? Mentally hypothesizes from which category of core belief (helplessness or unlovability) specific automatic thoughts appear to have arisen. Specifies the core belief using the same techniques he uses to identify the patient’s intermediate beliefs. Presents his hypothesis about the core belief to the client, asking for confirmation, and refines the hypothesis. Educate the client about core beliefs. Evaluate and modify the core beliefs.
pp.169 Helpless – Being personally helpless Not measuring up in terms of achievement Unlovable - Being unworthy Not measuring up
Educating the client about core beliefs That it is an idea, not necessarily a truth Even ‘feel‘ it to be true, but have yet to be proven to be entirely true Thus, it can be tested It is rooted in childhood events It continues to be maintained through the operation of her schemas, in which she readily recognizes data that support the core belief while ignoring or discounting data to the contrary. That the client and the therapist working together can use a variety of strategies over time to change this idea so that she can view herself in a more realistic way.
Core Belief Worksheet Two parts: The top part guides the patient to identify and rate her degree if belief in the old dysfunctional belief and in the new, more adaptive belief. The bottom part is to be filled out by the client, both in session and for home work, as she monitors the operation of her beliefs and reframes evidence tat seemed to support the old belief.
Restructuring early memories Be very cautious when you are using this! Let’s read pp.186-191 carefully.
In class activity 1 Three choices: Let me act as a client and we can re-run things we have learned so far or; We can use a fake case as an example and we can re-run things we have learned so far, or; We can watch a video of using CBT for children with anxiety