Tell about a time that you got horribly lost on a trip or a journey.


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Presentation transcript:

Tell about a time that you got horribly lost on a trip or a journey.

1. If the image of a wild goose explains the Celtic view of God’s Spirit, what would be a fitting image to describe how the Church in the Western world today views the Spirit?

2. How might rediscovering the Celtic image of goose change how we do church, the role of prayer in our lives, and the manner in which we trust God with things?

3. In Mark Batterson’s Book Wild Goose Chase There are six cages listed which keep us from truly following the Holy Spirit: responsibility, routine, assumptions, guilt, failure, and fear. Which of these cages have you experienced when chasing the goose?

4. What role can the church community play in helping a person climb out of any of the six “cages”?

Read Matt 8| What are some irresponsible responsibilities we face in our daily lives? 6. What are the benefits and dangers of routines in our spiritual lives?

Read Acts 9| Blind and helpless. Saul follows the orders of Christ and is led into the city. There is quite a change in his demeanor from crusader for the Law to helpless and led by the hand into the city. Why does God often have to humble us before we can be used most effectively?

8. When was the time in your life when God had your attention the most? (Was it when you first became a believer, went through sickness, experienced blessings etc)

Read Acts 9| Why would Ananias be reluctant to go and show God’s grace to Saul?  10. When was a time in your life you knew you were supposed to risk something for God? How did it turn out?

Application Choose one of the following prayers and pray it for this week. -God stretch me -God use me -God break my heart