Flood risk perceptions among SME’s in Zeeland Preliminary results Dr. Teun Terpstra
Flood Aware (province of Zeeland, Safety Region) Flood awareness among SMEs? “Forgotten group” Recovery vital to local economy and society SME Survey Perceptions of flooding Resilience Input for flood risk communication (spring 2013)
Data (TNS-NIPO) –Telephone 457 –Online questionnaire 348 –Owners/managers 75% –Located on ground floor85% Employees industry / construction6%6%7% wholesale / agriculture6%6%7% retail / hospitality8%5%7% auto / transport6%5%6% bank / insurance8%7%10%
Flooding Wateroverlast urban flooding due to heavy rainfall Overstromingen failure of sea defences during heavy storm
Company at risk? Wateroverlast urban flooding due to heavy rainfall 51% says: location is “not risky” or “hardly risky” Overstromingen failure of see defences during heavy storm 58% says: location is “not risky” or “hardly risky”
58%: “not risky” or “hardly risky”
estimated percentual chance (gut feeling) rainfallheavy storm Perceptions of likelihood... in your environment, in the next 10 years –rainfall : 39% –heavy storm: 6%
True Elevation versus Perceived Elevation (NAP) Of 322 responses... 20% underestimate risk... 13% perceived risk = true risk... 67% overestimate risk (based on NAP)
Perceptions of consequences Building poorly accessible 78% Damage to –walls, floors76% –furniture74% –stockpile66% –administration 35% Failure of utility services –electricity70% –internet53% –gas52% –water52% –phones30% Failure of –supply chains60% –transport means50% –personnel47% –machines33%
Effective preparedness measures? Flood insurance52% (because insurance covers all kinds of damage? delicate subject!) Raise electricity50% Electricity generator45% Business evacuation plan38% Information from authorities33% Water pump31% Helping each other30% Flood risk on MKB agenda 26% Tiles on ground floor21% Sand bags19%
Barriers in flood preparedness Feel not responsible –Heavy storm56% –Rainfall35% Complex51% Time and effort51% Financially not feasible47% Finding the right info 28%
Helping each other (community resilience) Can you help other businesses … pump water out /clean mess21% repair damage to –Automobiles12% –Buildings11% –Utility services7% –ICT6% transport of –light weight goods33% –heavy weight goods19% provide people with –overnight, meals19% –social meeting place21% Feel responsible to help others? 80%
1 Currently well prepared22% 2 Important to be informed57% Pay attention to information57% 3 Willing to insure50% If at risk, take measures45% 4 Actively information seaking16% Discuss risk with others 10%
What kind of info? 1 Warning procedure55% 2 Riskiness location40% Flood likelihood36% Evacuation possibilities36% 3 Damage29% Measures 27% Who should provide info? 1 Rijkswaterstaat72% Water Board71% 2 Province57% Safety region54% Fire department49% Municipality46% 3 Police department24% Hogeschool 16% MKB16%
Rainfall different from Heavy storm flooding 50-60% perceives hardly any flood risks … but perceiving flood risk is not easy –perceived consequences realistic –overestimate risk based on probabilities and NAP … nor is preparing for floods –Few effective preparations (electricity, insurance?) –Complex, Financially not feasible, Not responsible Helping others –80% feels responsible to help other SMEs –Capacities differ between branches Risk communication –Open attitude towards information –Content: warning procedures, risk locations –Source: involvement of flood authorities
Thoughts about floods cause emotions... Connected53%(positive emotion) Worried49% (negative emotions) Disappointed35% Helpless26% Angry24% Fear17%