Summary As military operation continues in Swat, Dir, Buner and adjacent locations, the residents of these areas are migrating to safer regions like Mardan, Charsadda and Peshawar. More than 3 million people are displaced from their places of residence, Swat Crisis is termed as largest humanitarian and displacement crisis in recent times. Whether we support the military operation or not, these Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) need our help. Ghazali Education Trust provided educational support to these helpless peoples.
Ghazali Education Trust Schools for the Children of IDP’s in Mardan Sr. No.School NameNo. of StaffNo. of Students 1Sheikh Yasin Camp Par hoti Camp3100 3Azam Khan Camp3160 4Sawal Dher280 5Katling280 6Ghulamo Machine Camp3150 Total23850
We Provide free and friendly educational environment.
Support provided by other organizations Omair Sana FoundationToys club Pakistan ArmyBooks MKRFFans Muslim AidSchool Bags Beacon House SchoolStationary Alkhidmat FoundationFans, Mats Jamat-e-Islami M.B.DinFood Items Islami Jamiat Talbat NWFPBooks
We brought their Smile Back.
God help those who help the helpless. Adopt an Orphan Pak Rs US$ 130 Adopt a School Pak Rs US$ 1300 Life Time MemberPak Rs US$ 1300 THANK YOU You can provide education to Deserving's.