April 18, 2013
Bullying is a pattern of behavior where one or more person hurts or threatens someone else. Behaviors are as such: Shoving Pushing Hitting Physical aggression Spreading rumors Gossiping Teasing Picking on someone because of any differences Stealing Publically humiliating others
Engaging in bullying behavior (gossiping, teasing, spreading rumors, humiliation,etc.) on social networks such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat.
Feelings of anger sadness Loneliness Depression Feeling as though you have no friends You’re getting into fights Want to hurt yourself or others Feels helpless and hopeless to stop the bullying Low self esteem Don’t want to go to school, certain classes, always “sick”
This is the person that is neither the bully nor the victim but the one that witnesses/knows what’s going on. Things you can do: Be their true friend Tell a trusted adult Help them get away Set a good example DON’T GIVE BULLING AN AUDIENCE!
This is a documentary exploring the subject of school bullying from a personal angle, this eye-opening documentary tracks the stories of five different families whose children are struggling to defend themselves on a near- daily basis.