Frederic H. Jones Positive Classroom Discipline (Charles, 2002)
Major emphasis on nonverbal communication (p. 52) Body language Facial expressions Eye contact Physical proximity Main focus help students support self-control Proper behavior Also positive attitude
Average 50% of time lost to off task or disruptive behavior Incentives attainable by a few Don’t change the class as a whole Dependency syndrome Helpless handraisers Teacher hovering during independent work (p. 54)
Students to work on their own Massive time wasting Hands raised Students talk inappropriately Goof off/daydream Move without permission/out of seats
5 Skill Clusters #1 Classroom Structure to Discourage Misbehavior Room arrangement Classroom rules Classroom chores Opening routines (p. 55)
#2 Limit-Setting Through Body Language Proper breathing Eye contact Physical proximity Body carriage Facial expressions (pp. 56-57)
#3 using Say, See, Do Teaching Alternate teacher input and student output Teacher Says/Does Students See Students Do (p. 57)
#4 Responsibility Training Through Incentive Systems (pp. 57-59) Top achievers Grandma’s Rule Student responsibility Genuine incentives Preferred Activity Time (PAT) Students must want Earn time through responsibility Teacher able to live with
Students earn time for PAT Everyone on time May omit a student from losing time Educational value Enrichment activities Team learning games Group concern Everyone has a stake in learning incentive (pp. 59-61)
Ease of implementation Establish and explain Allow to vote on approved activities Keep track of earned PAT time When incentives do not work Stale activities Unusual occurrences (weather, holiday) Individual loss of self-control or defiance (p. 61)
Omission training Backup systems (p. 61) Allows student to earn PAT time for class By omitting misbehavior Earns points for self and class Only loses points for self Backup systems Private, close range Warnings, reprimands Chronic disruption (p. 61)
#5 Providing Efficient Help to Individual Students Research shows ~4 minutes with each student Dependency syndrome Personal attention Independent seatwork Insufficient time Wasted time Misbehavior potential Dependency perpetuation (p. 62-63)
Efficient Help Organize room so teacher can easily reach students Graphic organizers Typical example Efficient help—20 seconds/student Goal of 10 seconds (p. 62-63)
Efficient Help Positive Minimize verbiage Leave immediately Mention any aspect completed correctly Minimize verbiage Suggest what to do next Leave immediately “Be positive; be brief; be gone!” (pp. 62-63)