Tender Mercies
Introduction Mercy is a characteristic of divine love that causes God to help the helpless, the miserable, and the undeserving. Mercy is reflected in the Lord’s conduct and commands. It may also be observed in the examples of His faithful servants, both in the Old and New Testaments. As an illustration of the tender mercies of God, let us consider the following incidents from the life of Elisha.
Tender Mercies Elisha showed mercy to a son of the prophets regarding a borrowed axe that was lost (2 Kings 6:1-7). Elisha showed mercy toward the army of the King of Aram that was blinded and helpless (2 Kings 6:8-23). Elisha showed mercy to the citizens of Samaria who were facing starvation (2 Kings 6:24-33; 7:1-20).
Conclusion Like Elisha, may we show mercy toward our fellow man (Matt. 5:7; James 2:8-13). Let us also benefit from the mercy that God shows toward sinful mankind, trusting in His promises, manifesting obedience toward His commands (Titus 3:3-7; Heb. 4:14-16).