Tis the Season This time of year there are many – in the name of Christianity – who… – Celebrate the birth of Jesus. – Purposely DO NOT celebrate the birth of Jesus. Because of “Christmas” all are reminded of the birth of Jesus.
The Reality of Immanuel! If the reality of Jesus’ birth was of such great significance by those prophesying it, or those waiting for it, and those gazing upon it, how much more significance is there that the Holy Spirit records the contrasting reactions of it?
Biblically Rejoicing: – Heavenly host. Lk. 2:13-14 – Shepherds (Lk. 2:16-20) and Magi (Matt. 2:9-11) – Simeon (Lk. 2:25-35) and Annas (Lk. 2:36-38) Rejection: Matt. 2:1-3
Jesus’ Birth Sets The Tone for the Gospel
Immanuel: God is With Us A Tax-collector’s dream come true: he’s called to follow the Messiah. Matt. 9:9 Matthew witnesses God’s lowly humanity through the life of Jesus. Matt. 1 (v. 23) This affected how he portrayed Jesus as revealed through his gospel.
God’s humble entry into this world as a helpless peasant babe.
The Good News of Matthew 1:1-17 Jesus: the son of man. By way of unlikely women: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba – All Gentiles, a prostitute, an adulterous – Mary’s questionable pregnancy (in the eyes of man) Matthew’s humanity of Christ’s lineage gives ‘good news rapport’ with the ‘people of the land’
Matthew: Hope for the Common Man Hope for women. Hope for the foreigner: Hittite; Moabite. Hope for the poor: (Mary: peasant girl) Hope for the worst of sinners (as noted) Hope for a tax-collector! Micah 5:2; Matt. 1:5f
We Still Need God With Us Today The birth of Christ – as recorded in Matthew’s gospel – brings hope to the hopeless. This God/man came to be with sinful man and went to the cross for sinful man.
Biblically indeed, the lowly birth of Christ causes us to remember, if not celebrate, God’s entry into this world of sinful man.