Loss and Grief for Children and Adolescents Graham Martin OAM, MD, FRANZCP, DPM
Personal reflections
Death and Children in 2007 Children may experience meaningful loss through death of Grandparents, Parents or Siblings Animals Death on Television though the News, or more likely through programs is more frequent, but may have less impact.
Acute Loss Syndrome Psychological and Somatic Symptoms May appear immediately, or delayed May be exaggerated or apparently absent May appear to be a distorted aspect of one part of the syndrome Is amenable to support, care, but needs to run its course
Symptoms Somatic Distress - often in waves A sense of unreality, with increased emotional distancing Often an intense preoccupation with the image of the dead Feelings of responsibility or guilt Disconcerting loss of warmth in relationship, with irritability or anger Changes in patterns of conduct Traits of the deceased may appear in the behaviour of the child
Death of a mother Universally accepted as more traumatic Shock, disbelief, denial may be followed by episodes of panic Regression Compensation Clinging to a mother substitute
Death of a father All the previous symptoms may occur Death of a father may be more difficult for a boy
Death of a sibling Regret or Guilt may be prominent Profiting from extra parental attention Struggling with the reaction of parents A ‘replacement’ child can have special problems
Grieving in Infancy During the first 2 years there may be no true understanding of death However, stages of loss (Bowlby, 1958) may appear: Protest Despair Detachment There may be later problems with attachment, or an inability to trust that others will ‘always’ be there
From age 3 May have more comprehension May be able to discuss the death May act out fears and fantasies May not have concept of death as final; this may lead to anxieties over sleep Separation anxiety is common, and dependency may be strong Grief work through play
From about age 6 May accept that death is final May have resulting fears around own finiteness Personification of Death Grief work more verbal
From about age 10 More emotionally mature with an understanding of the finiteness of death Most of the intellectual tools to understand death and its context Delayed or distorted reactions can occur
Distorted grief reactions Overactivity with no sense of loss Taking on traits of the deceased A psychosomatic disorder Alteration of relationships with friends and siblings Hostility to certain people (eg professionals) Withdrawal Problems at school Aggressive acting out Depression with agitation
The Funeral Whatever our core religious beliefs, some ceremony is necessary for us to celebrate a life and acknowledge the passing All children should be present and take part in the mourning as far as they can