What is grief? Intense emotional suffering caused by a loss, disaster or misfortune
Anticipatory grief Grief experienced prior to a loss
Changes in family Changes in living conditions Death of a friend Out of order death: occurs at an unexpected time in a person’s life cycle
Suicide Death of a well-known person Tragedies in the news End of something special
Empathy: ability to share in another person’s emotions or feelings
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
How people deal with loss is totally individual and is okay as long as it is not harmful or prolonged If someone you know is dying, both of you will experience anticipatory grief Make your time left special
When someone you know is grieving Give comfort by being there for the person You do not need words, there really is nothing that can be said except I am sorry and I am here for you Allow the person to talk and share as they want and need to, just listen
Talk with a parent, guardian, mentor or other adult Ask friends and family member to comfort and support you Ask someone to stay with you if you do not want to be alone Ask them to leave you alone if that is what you need Express your feelings in healthful ways Maintain a normal schedule and routine as much as possible Protect your health Seek professional help if you need it