From Grief To Growth finding meaning after a TBI Dr. Nancy Reeves Island Loss Clinic, Victoria B.C. Dr. Nancy Reeves Island Loss Clinic, Victoria B.C.
Styles of Grief Intuitive Instrumental Intuitive Instrumental
Some Implications Personal Relationships with others Financial Change in Roles Change in Status Dreams and Expectations
Healing Cure Healing Cure
Energy Management Model
Tools for Anxiety and Stress Reduction Holistic - body, emotions, mind, spirit Visualizations (for pain and relaxation) Writing your journey Thought-stopping Holistic - body, emotions, mind, spirit Visualizations (for pain and relaxation) Writing your journey Thought-stopping
Deal with Expensive Emotions Anger becomes bitterness, hate, or vengeance Sadness becomes despair or depression Longing for healing becomes envy & jealousy Healthy guilt becomes unhealthy guilt Anger becomes bitterness, hate, or vengeance Sadness becomes despair or depression Longing for healing becomes envy & jealousy Healthy guilt becomes unhealthy guilt
Working Through Guilt Reeves’ 3 step model 1. Listen to what the guilt is “saying” 2. Education or re-education 3. Reconciliation 1. Listen to what the guilt is “saying” 2. Education or re-education 3. Reconciliation
Finding Life Meaning Develop symbols of healing, growth, new identity
Ann’s old symbols
Ann’s new symbol
Finding Life Meaning Find affirmations that will comfort and guide Find affirmations that will comfort and guide