Hospice Can Help You & Your Family Developed with assistance from Hospice Caring Project, Santa Cruz County, CA [Add name of presenter and organization]
Who Will Care for You if You are Sick? Your family? Your church? Your community?
Hospice Supports You and Your Care Givers Hospice can help you Ease your pain Listen to your fears or worries Give you a bed or walker to help you be comfortable Pay for your medicine Read to you or help you write letters to loved ones
Hospice Supports You and Your Care Givers Hospice can help your family care givers Learn how to safely care for you Prepare everyone for what might happen as you get sicker Help with your care Listen to fears or worries Help with chores or errands Be there once you are gone to help them with their grief
Hospice Respects Family Tradition Each family is different – hospice works with you to provide the support you need Hospice will talk to you and your care givers about your traditions and beliefs Hospice can work with your clergy to support your spiritual needs
Supporting You Wherever You Are Hospice care can be given in your home Hospice is also available to people in nursing home If you need to go to a hospital, hospice can help you there as well
Hospice Circle of Care Chaplain Volunteer Family Doctor Medical Director Grief Support Social Worker Home Health Aide Nurse Patient & Family
Cost of Hospice Care You don’t need to worry about costs with hospice Hospice is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and insurance Hospice provides care to everyone – even if they don’t have insurance
When to Call Hospice If you are thinking about calling then now is the right time
To Learn More, Call… Call the national Compassionate Care HelpLine /Linea Cuidando con Cariño Caring Connections HelpLine
To Learn More, Visit… Caring Connections web site Partnership for Parents web site for parents with a seriously ill child Spanish/Español: padrescompadres.org English/Inglés:partnershipforparents.org
To Ask for Help, Call Us Today [list local resources and how to reach you]