T HE GRIEVING PROCESS 5 stages of grieving process Denial: gives you a chance to think Anger: normal (anger management) Bargaining: promise to change Depression: short term is normal Acceptance: learn how to live with the loss Grief – express deep sadness because of loss
F UNERALS, W AKES, AND M EMORIAL S ERVICES Purpose: Help the family get through the grieving process. Wake – view or watch over deceased person before funeral. Funeral – ceremony in which deceased person is buried. Memorial Service – ceremony to remember the deceased.
Loss can cause stress. C OPING WITH L OSS Tension headaches, increase in blood pressure, irritable, confused, stress related illness. What are some physical and emotional effects of stress?
H ELP FOR DEALING WITH LOSS Helping yourself Get plenty of rest/relaxation but stick to any normal routine Share memories Express your feelings Don’t blame yourself Helping others Show your support through simple actions Let the person know you are there for him/her Tell the person they are strong and will learn to live with the loss
A PERMANENT SOLUTION TO A TEMPORARY PROBLEM. Definition: the act of intentionally taking one’s life Why is suicide an uncomfortable topic? What are some myths or facts about suicide? Words that warn: “I wish I were dead.” “I just want to go to sleep & never wake up.” “I won’t be a problem for you much longer.” “I can’t take it anymore.” “This pain will be over soon.” “Nothing matters.” SUICIDE:
F ACTS ABOUT SUICIDE Many people who consider suicide only do so for a brief period in their life Most people who have attempted and failed are usually grateful to be alive Suicide has many warning signs Use of drugs/alcohol can put people at risk because of impaired judgment
F ACTS ABOUT S UICIDE C ONT. 3 rd leading cause of death for ages 15 – 24 Depression and bipolar disease are major risk factors. Stressful life events and low levels of communication with parents are also significant risk factors. More women attempt suicide and more men commit suicide. In 2010, males aged were 4X more likely to commit suicide than females.
K EEP IN MIND ! It should be noted that some people who die by suicide do not show any suicide warning signs. But, about 75 percent of those who die by suicide do exhibit some suicide warning signs, so we need to be aware of what the suicide warning signs are and try to spot them in people. If we do see someone exhibiting suicide warning signs, we need to do everything that we can to help them. Suicide.org
W ARNING SIGNS FOR SUICIDE Feeling hopeless Withdrawing from family and friends Neglecting basic needs Experiencing loss of energy Taking more risks Using alcohol and drugs Giving away personal things
G IVING AND G ETTING H ELP Take all talk of suicide seriously Tell your friend suicide is not the answer Change negative thoughts into positive ones Don’t keep a secret
N.S.S.I. Video #1 Video #1 Video #2 Video #2 Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Common forms of NSSI: Cutting, burning, scratching, skin-picking, hair-pulling 90% of people who self-injure begin cutting as teens Self-injury is prevalent in ALL races and economic backgrounds.