The Kübler-Ross model of Grief By Daniel C Simmons
Introduction There are many different models to explain how people grieve, though it’s largely personal. One being the Four Tasks of Mourning, developed by J. W. Worden. But the one we’re here to talk about is The Kübler-Ross model, in particular.
The Basics Basically, in 1969, Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, in her book On Death and Dying, defined grief as happening in 5 simple stages, namely: Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance Later versions add the stages of Shock, before Denial, and Testing, in between Depression and Acceptance.
Stage I: Denial The main characteristic is thinking the news never happened The person would continue life as if nothing happened. (i.e. continuing to do a job even if that job is no longer required) One treatment option is to force the person into anger deliberately. (Not the smartest thing, but it works apparently)
Stage II: Anger Release of the bottled up emotion from Stage I The phrases “Why me?” and “Why not you?” are common. The best treatment options include giving the person space, helping the person reframe their anger into useful channels, and of all things just letting them be angry at you.
Stage III: Bargaining This stage is just seeking ways to avoid having the tragedy happen, a vain expression of hope for the news’ reversibility The main treatment is to not offer the person false hope of any sort. Another treatment option is pointing them even more at the inevitable, thought this may tip them into depression which is sometimes necessary.
Stage IV: Depression This is where the person realizes, albeit reluctantly, that the tragedy will happen and there’s nothing they can do. The first thing to do is be there for them, accepting them in all their current misery. Second thing to do, keep them moving, don’t let them slide further into depression.
Stage V: Acceptance The person, by this point, is finally in a point of stability, where they can finally move on with their lives. This is usually visible by people taking ownership for themselves and their actions. The main thing to do here is to help the person permanently establish themselves in their new position, leaving no room for them to return to the previous stages.
Other Stages added later Two other stages to the Kübler-Ross model were added since the original publication in 1969, namely Shock, which takes the place of Denial as stage I, and Testing, which is the 6th stage, causing Acceptance to become Stage VII.
Popular media The Kübler-Ross Model of Grief has been used far and wide in popular media, and you might not even realize it, however, this time I’ll only cover three.
The Kübler-Ross model in Popular Media (Television) The protagonist of the long running BBC program Doctor Who has gone through all 5 stages, as far as I could find, at least once for each actor to play the title character. (That’s at least 12 times!)
The Kübler-Ross model in popular media (Video Games) The video on the next slide illustrates a rather strange theory that the main areas of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask each portray the 5 stages of Grief. If the video does not work, there is a link at the bottom of your notes packets to use to watch it at home.
The Kübler-Ross Model in Popular Media (TV) As far as I’ve found, The protagonist of the long running BBC program Doctor Who seems to have gone through all 5 stages at least once for each actor to play the role of The Doctor (That’s at least 12 times).
The Kübler-Ross Model in popular media (Literature) A Limited 5-part Marvel comic book series called Fallen Son portrays the 5 stages of grief through the personas of various characters of the Marvel Universe after the death of Captain America, specifically Wolverine in Denial, The Avengers enraged, to a degree (Anger), Hawkeye bargaining to try and bring Captain America back, albeit in vain, Spider-Man falling into Depression and Iron Man representing Acceptance.
The Kübler-Ross Model in popular media (Literature cont.) The DC Comics character The Joker goes through the 5 stages at an impossibly fast pace after hearing he has a fatal tumor in The Joker’s Last Laugh, though this later turns out to be a lie. The Harry Potter book series features the Kübler-Ross model fluently in Books Five and Seven after the death of Sirius in Book 5 and the death of Dumbledore in Book 7.
Finale I hope I have either given you a good basis into the history
Works Cited "The DABDA Theory of Coping With Death." Death and Dying. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2014. "Game Theory: Is Link Dead in Majora's Mask?" YouTube. YouTube, 9 Nov. 2013. Web. 26 May 2014. "Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 May 2014. Web. 26 May 2014. "BATMAN: THE JOKER'S LAST LAUGH." DC Comics. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2014. "Five Stages of Grief." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2014.