Gregory Manning, PsyD Licensed Clinical Psychologist; CA PSY (949)
Why is Medical Necessity important for MHS? What makes an effective MHS provider? How can I work with a challenging MHS provider? What is the role of Psychiatry in the Adoption process? What can be done to maximize collaboration with MHS in support of Adoption? ◦ MHS = Mental Health Services Dr Greg Manning2
Emotional Symptoms Cognitive Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms Impairments in Social / Emotional / Behavioral Functioning Dr Greg Manning 3
Child AND the family Team player Past and present issues Training and experience Dr Greg Manning4
Child focus Confidentiality Closed Adoptions Frequent turnover Unsupported / unskilled / overloaded Unclear goals and evaluation of progress Dr Greg Manning5
Challenging children Limited / incomplete information Multiple placements, caregivers and providers Adoptive Parents Dr Greg Manning 6
Child / Youth Adoptive Parent(s) Mental Health Staff Adoptions / Child Welfare Social Worker School Staff Community T.E.A.M. – Together Everyone Achieves More! Dr Greg Manning 7
Direct collaboration Cross training Adoption focused training Everyone has a role Dr Greg Manning 8
Why is Medical Necessity important for MHS? What makes an effective MHS provider? How can I work with a challenging MHS provider? What is the role of Psychiatry in the Adoption process? What can be done to maximize collaboration with MHS in support of Adoption? Dr Greg Manning9
Gregory Manning, PsyD Licensed Clinical Psychologist; CA PSY (949)