Coping With Loss/Grieving
Bummer Day I wanted to bring some comic relief into today’s Lesson before we begin! With Halloween tomorrow, and us talking about death and dying…what better way to begin than with a ZOMBIE PRANK!
How Do You Handel Crisis? Take your survey to find out how well you handle crises!
Crises What are examples of crises that an individual, couple,or family may have to go through in a lifespan? If a family member or loved one has died, how do you tell a small child about this loss??
Telling Children About Death If a loved one dies that was a major part in a child’s life, DO NOT tell them lies such as, “mom is on a very long vacation” – This is a lie and the child will eventually learn the truth or “Grandma was sick and died” – This is rather harsh and if the child does not understand the concept of sickness and dying it will confuse them Your best option is to relate dying with pets, flowers, etc., and that all living things have a cycle of life and then death.
Widow/ Widower Statistics show more marriages end by death than divorce! Widow= Woman survivor Widower= Man survivor – In the average community, there are TWICE as many widows than there are widowers Losing a spouse is ranked one of the highest stressors in a person’s life!!!
Society and Coping With Death Why do you think we use “soft” words/phrases when discussing dying? – Examples: “She passed away”, “went to heaven”, “no longer with us”, “in a better place now” – Examples: saying “resting place” instead of “grave” Do you think death is more or less accepted in today’s society than it was in the past? WHY?! Go talk to someone you haven’t talked to in class and discuss what you think! YUP, that means you have to STAND UP!
5 Stages of Grieving Denial Anger Bargaining/Guilt Depression Acceptance “DA BAD 5”
Bargaining/ Guilt
Which Stages Do You See?! One of the most memorable scenes from any Disney movie shows examples of some of the stages of grief. It is important to remember that these stages do NOT need to be in the order we discussed, and not every person goes through every stage…we all respond to stress and loss differently! So as you watch, which stages do you see?!
What Stages Do You See In the movie Steel Magnolias, a mother has just lost her daughter. Watch as she goes through some of the stages of grief…in a very short time frame. Which Stages Do You See?!
Journal Date: 10/30/12 Topic: Grief 1.Have you had to face a time when you went through all/any of the stages of grief? Briefly describe the process and how you felt during any of these stages. -OR- 2.If not, how do you think you would cope with loss? Do you think you would hit all of the stages or only a few? Explain.