Isaiah 53 Better Understanding Our Father.  The section of Isaiah that deals with the Messiah and His coming Kingdom.  The prophecy itself is Messianic,


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Presentation transcript:

Isaiah 53 Better Understanding Our Father

 The section of Isaiah that deals with the Messiah and His coming Kingdom.  The prophecy itself is Messianic, as confirmed by New Testament Scripture :  Philip identified this text as Messianic - Acts 8.32 ff  Mark points back to Isaiah 53- Mark  Peter connected Jesus to Isaiah Peter 2.22  Isaiah is focusing on Jesus and His work in redeeming mankind from sin.

 Isaiah gives occasion for some to mischaracterize God.  By identifying what they think are deficiencies in God ’ s character, some think they defeat the Biblical concept of a loving God.  If the concept of a loving God is defeated, then the entire system built upon Him is flawed. “ Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him ; He has put Him to grief… ”

 God did not take delight in pain of Jesus.  How could such a being be called “ good ”?  Does a father enjoy his child ’ s pain ?  God desires to remove our pain - Revelation 21.4  God did not pour all the sin of all time into Jesus and then punish Him for that.  Neither sin nor righteousness is transferable - Ezek  Jesus ’ sacrifice was free from sin - 1 Peter 1.19  Jesus perfect character is affirmed by Isaiah Isaiah – “ Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him ; He has put Him to grief… ”

 God ’ s pleasure in Jesus ’ sacrifice is connected with :  “ an offering for sin ” – Isaiah ▪The only sufficient sacrifice was divine - Acts  “ My Servant shall justify many ” – Isaiah ▪The death of One for the salvation of many - Romans  “ He shall bear their iniquities ” – Isaiah ▪It is the language of the scapegoat - Leviticus ▪Jesus relieves the burden of sin - John  “ intercession for the transgressors ” – Isaiah ▪Jesus is the means by which man is forgiven - Hebrews Isaiah – “ Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him ; He has put Him to grief… ”

 God was pleased :  Because of Jesus ’ perfect obedience. ▪Isaiah ( John 8.29)  Because His perfect plan was being fulfilled. ▪Isaiah ( Ephesians 1)  Because through the sacrifice of His Son, the forgiveness of mankind was made possible. ▪Isaiah ( John 3.16) Isaiah – “ Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him ; He has put Him to grief… ”