Desolation Sound “Miles to go “Miles to go Places to see Places to see Things to do” Things to do” But take care and be prepared But take care and be prepared
A clear day but……..!
The Squamish Navy at McEnery Cove
Early morning in Jervis Inlet
Grief Point Westview Marina
Lund Harbour
Grace Harbour
Curme Islands
Prideaux Haven
Squirrel Cove
Teakerne Arm
Redonda Islands
Pendrell Sound
Walsh Cove
Indian Petrographs Walsh Cove
Red Brotula
Toba Inlet
Brem Bay Toba Inlet
Brem Bay Party time
Quadra Island
Drew Harbour
Cortez Island
Gorge Harbour Exit
Beazley Pass
Hole in the Wall
Owen Bay
Shoal Bay Marina East Thurlow Island
Dent from North Leaving Dent to Yukultas
That’s all Folks! Let’s go home Let’s go home Remember; take care and be safe Remember; take care and be safe Good Cruising Good Cruising