Introducing Access Online Cardholder, Billing Official and Approving Official Training Introducing Access Online: Cardholder, Billing Official and Approving Official Training Access Online is a web-enabled purchase card program tool that gives you the ability to view cardholder statements, transaction information, and account profile information. You can easily change your password, authentication question and email address. One of the more impressive features is the cardholder statement email notification. Once your statement is available in Access Online, you can receive an email notification of the statement’s availability. Billing and approving officials can also receive email notification of managing account statement availability. You can also use Access Online to create manual orders, match orders and transactions, and reallocate transactions. 1-9
Presentation Navigation Buttons Access Online Lessons Online Registration Forgot Your Password Logging In Navigation Basics My Personal Information Account Profile Viewing Statements Transaction Management Web-based Training Access Online Lessons Click the lesson title to jump to that lesson. Use the navigation buttons on the lower right to navigate the presentation in Slide Show mode. Go back to the Access Online Lessons list Go to the first slide in the presentation Go back one slide Go forward one slide Go to the last slide in the presentation Note the text in the lower left corner. This text displays the URL for the web site or the high-level task that corresponds to the task on the slide. Presentation Navigation Buttons URL or Left Navigation Bar Link 1-9
Key Access Online Concepts Change your password every 60 days View statements online Receive email notification of statement availability Have transactions final-approved by a billing/approving official Key Access Online Concepts In Access Online, you need to change your password every 60 days for security reasons. You can view your statement online. You can also receive an email to let you know your statement is available in Access Online. Your transactions need to be final-approval by a billing/approving official. You can reallocate a transaction and match an order to the transaction using the same transaction management function. 1-9
Online Registration Register Online Online Registration for New Cardholders Not every cardholder will need to register online. The online registration process will apply to new cardholders in the future. These new cardholders will need to register online before they can use Access Online, including viewing account information, statements, and transactions. To register online, you need your organization short name, account number, account expiration date, and account ZIP code. Instructions: Navigate to Click the Register Online link. Register Online 1-9
Online Registration Online Registration Online Registration Instructions: Fill in each field with your account information. Click the Register This Account button if you are registering one account. Click the Additional Account button if you are registering more than one cardholder account. Complete that information, then click Register This Account. The Licensing Agreement screen displays. Tip! You must complete each field with a red asterisk. Online Registration 1-9
Online Registration Online Registration Online Registration Instructions: Review the agreement, and then click the I Accept button to proceed with the online registration process. The Online Registration: Password and Contact Information screen displays. Tip! If you click the I Decline button, the system stops the online registration process. Online Registration 1-9
Online Registration Online Registration Instructions: Complete all required fields (with a red asterisk). Click the Continue button. You are now logged in to Access Online and the Home page displays. 1-9
Forgot Your Password Forgot your password? If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password via the Forgot your password? link to answer your authentication question and reset your password. Instructions: Click the Forgot your password? link. The Login: Forgot Password screen displays. Tip! After your third failed login attempt, the system locks you out. So, after your second failed login attempt, remember to use the Forgot your password? link to reset your password. Otherwise, you must contact the support desk to reset your password for you. You can find these numbers on the Contact Us screen. 1-9
Forgot Your Password Forgot your Password Forgot Your Password Instructions: Type your answer to your authentication question. Click the Continue button. The Login: New Password screen displays. Forgot your Password 1-9
Forgot Your Password Forgot your Password Forgot Your Password Instructions: Type your new password in each field. Your password must be 8-20 characters in length, with at least one alpha character and one numeric character. Passwords are not case sensitive. You cannot reuse a password for 12 months. Click the Save button. Forgot your Password 1-9
Logging In Organization Short Name User ID Password Logging In The first time you log in to Access Online, and every 60 days after that, you must change your password. The first time you log in, you must also view and respond to the licensing agreement. Simply click the I Agree button to continue. (The license agreement is not shown in this section.) Instructions: Type your organization short name, your user ID, and your password in the corresponding fields. You organization short name is a code that identifies your company in Access Online (e.g., ARMY, USAF, ACME). The fields are not case sensitive. Click the Login button. Tip! Remember to use the Forgot your password? link to reset your password after your second failed login attempt to avoid being locked out. Also, if you do not know your organization short name, contact your A/OPC. 1-9
Navigation Basics Message from U.S. Bank and DoD Welcome to Access Online! Left-Column Navigation Bar Account Number link to Transaction List Home and Contact Us Navigation Basics The following screen elements are important navigational features in Access Online. Disabled browser Back button—The browser Back button is disabled for security reasons. If you use the Back button, the browser stores the web pages in a temporary internet folder on your hard drive. To protect your information, you do not want pages stored in this folder. Message area—The Home page displays bulletin-board-type messages customized to each client, such as new functions available. Logout link—You can log out from any screen by using the Log Out link in upper right-hand side. Account number link—You may be set up to click an account number link in an Account Activity box to view transactions. Left-Column Navigation Bar—This main menu bar contains links to all functions and tasks available. Below the high-level tasks are the Home page link (available from any screen to return to the screen displayed on this slide) and the Contact Us link. (See the next slide.) Tip! For security reasons, if you are not active in Access Online for 15 minutes, the system displays a dialog box that lets you know your session is about to expire. If you do not respond, the system logs you out of your session automatically. Home 1-9
Support Desk Numbers Contact Us Government Support Desk Numbers The Contact Us screen displays telephone numbers for the support desk for different users and issues. Tip! Print out or write down the numbers in case you cannot access the Contact Us screen. Contact Us 1-9
My Personal Information Change your Password My Personal Information Managing your personal information in Access Online is quick and easy. Keep in mind that you need to change your password every 60 days. Instructions: Click the My Personal Information link in the Left-Column Navigation Bar. To change any of your personal information, click the appropriate link. For example, to change your password, click the Password link. My Personal Information 1-9
My Personal Information Contact Information My Personal Information The contact information you provide is for your A/OPC to contact you or for U.S. Bank to email updates regarding Access Online. Because your organization relies on this information, you should keep the information current. This contact information is different from the billing information U.S. Bank assigned to your account. Instructions: Click the Contact Information link. A screen displays that lets you update your contact information. My Personal Information 1-9
Email Notification My Personal Information Email Notification The email notification function sends you an email when your statement is available in Access Online. The notification is NOT automatically enabled for you. If you want to be notified, you must enable the function in Access Online. If you use the Data Exchange function, you may also receive notification via Data Exchange. Instructions: Click the Email Notification link. The My Personal Information: Email Notification screen displays. My Personal Information 1-9
Email Notification My Personal Information My Personal Information: Email Notification Instructions: Verify or type your email address. Select Enable or Disable from the Status drop-down list. If you have access to other accounts and you want to set notification for those accounts, click the Add Cardholder Accounts link. (This presentation does not cover the procedure for adding an account.) Click the Save button. Tip! You can only enable email notification for accounts you are entitled to access. My Personal Information 1-9
Authorization Limits Account Information Authorization Limits Cardholder Account Profile: Authorization Limits Authorization limits are also referred to as velocity limits. Instructions: Click the Authorization Limits link. Account Information 1-9
Authorization Limits Account Information Cardholder Account Profile: Authorization Limits Your authorization limits depend on how your program is set up and the limits your A/OPC or another manager in your organization set up for you. Typically, authorization limit information includes: Account status (e.g., open, closed) Limits (e.g., credit limit, cycle limit, single purchase limit) Any assigned merchant authorization controls (e.g., office supplies are enabled for purchases) The authorization limits information, like all account profile information, is view-only. Account Information 1-9
Account Information Account Information Account Information Cardholder Account Profile: Account Information Instructions: Click the Account Information link. Account Information 1-9
Account Information Account Information Cardholder Account Profile: Account Information The account information screen displays general account information, such as cycle day and open date. The screen also displays the processing hierarchy position for the account. The account information data, like all account profile information, is view-only. Account Information 1-9
Default Accounting Code Cardholder Account Profile: Default Accounting Code Instructions: Click the Default Accounting Code link. Account Information 1-9
Default Accounting Code Cardholder Account Profile: Default Accounting Code Your default accounting code is the accounting code that your transactions will be assigned when the transactions enter Access Online. If a default accounting code does not display, then you do not have an assigned default accounting code. The default accounting code information, like all account profile information, is view-only. Salt Lake County will have five segments listed in the default accounting code: Fund, Dept, Division, Object Code, Activity Code Account Information 1-9
Viewing Statements Account Information Cardholder Statements Statements for the past three cycles are available. Your statement is available the day after the cycle end day (e.g., available on the 20th if the cycle end day is the 19th of every month). Instructions: Click the Account Information link on the Left-Column Navigation Bar. Click the Statement link. Select the cycle date from the drop-down list. Click the View Statement button. The statement displays in a new browser window as a portable document format (PDF) file. Cardholder Statements Account Information 1-9
Viewing Statements Account Information Viewing Statements You can save, print, and email a PDF file. Print or save the statement by clicking on the Print or Save button in the Adobe® Acrobat Reader tool bar. Account Information 1-9
Viewing Transactions Transaction Management Account Link to List of Transactions Viewing Transactions You can access a list of transactions in two ways: One—Using the account number link in the Account Activity box (as referred to in the Navigation Basics section). Two—Using the Transaction Management high-level task. Instructions: Select the Transaction Management high-level task on the Left-Column Navigation Bar. Click the Transaction List link on the screen that displays. You can view a list of your transactions for the current (open) cycle and the past six closed cycles, as well as available details for each transaction. (The amount of detail information depends on the level of information the merchant passes with the transaction.) Link to Transaction List Transaction Management 1-9
Transaction Management Transaction list Disputes Transaction reallocation Transaction approval process Transaction Management Key tasks in transaction management include: Viewing the list of transactions Disputing a transaction Matching a transaction to an order Transaction approval process: transaction approval, statement approval, final approval, managing account certification Reallocating a transaction Tip! Your organization may perform transaction approval tasks in a different order. The process is customizable and flexible. 1-9
Transaction List Transaction Management Card Account Summary Search Criteria Transaction List The transaction list has three sections that you can navigate using the + icon (to open a section) and the – icon (to close a section). This feature lets you view only the section you want to. The three sections are: Card Account Summary—Includes account number, account name, billing cycle selection and account status. You can select a specific cycle or all cycles. Search Criteria—Includes search fields that you can use to filter and view-only the transactions you want to see (e.g., only transactions over $1,000). Transaction List—Includes a list of transactions that meet the cycle selection and search criteria. The next slide shows your transaction list. Transaction List Transaction Management 1-9
Transaction List Transaction Management Transaction List Links to Transaction Detail Transaction List The transaction list displays a list of transactions, including approval status, transaction date, posting date, merchant name, transaction amount, and accounting code. You can click the date link (in the Trans Date column) to access additional detail. Instructions: Click the date link (e.g., 05/20) in the Trans Date column. A series of tabs displays additional detail. (See next slide.) Transaction Management 1-9
Transaction Detail Summary Tab The elements of the detail screen include: The account number and cardholder name. Transaction summary information for the selected transaction. Additional detail on each tab, including the Summary tab. The Summary tab includes additional transaction detail, merchant information, reference information, extract details, and currency information. Instructions: Click the Back to Transaction List link to return to the transaction list. To dispute the transaction, click the Dispute Transaction link. A list of dispute reasons and instructions displays. Dispute Information Dispute Transaction link Transaction Management 1-9
Dispute a Transaction Transaction Management Dispute a Transaction Instructions: Select the dispute reason radio button. Review the additional instructions (e.g., Print, Signature) Click the Select button. Follow the on-screen instructions for adding comments, signing and forwarding the dispute form to U.S. Bank. Tip! The more detailed your comments, the better your chances of resolving the dispute quickly. Transaction Management 1-9
Dispute Demonstration Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the upper box to run the disputes demo or click the lower box to go to the next presentation lesson. To add your own demo slides, insert a new slide and apply the demo screen slide master. Insert and crop a screen capture. Next, use the rectangle drawing tool to draw a clear rectangle (no fill, no line). Next, select the rectangle and add a hyperlink to the rectangle to the next slide (Insert>Hyperlink). Use a new screen capture for each step you want to illustrate. To make sure the cursor is visible during the demo, right-click and select the Pointer Options>Arrow option. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the Transaction Management high-level task. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the Transaction List link. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the top-most transaction’s date link (i.e., 04/18 for Poland Spring Water). 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click anywhere on the screen to advance. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the Dispute button. Tip! Not all organizations enable the review function, so the Mark as Reviewed button may not display. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the radio button for Unauthorized. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click anywhere on the screen to advance. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the Select button. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click in the Requester Phone Number field. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click in the Comments field. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the Continue button. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the transaction detail link. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click anywhere on the screen to advance. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the Cancel Dispute button. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click in the Cancellation Comments field. Tip! The Cancellation Comments field lets the user add comments about why the user is cancelling the dispute. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the Yes, Cancel Dispute button. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click anywhere on the screen to advance. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the Plus Sign icon for Dispute History. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click the Back to Transaction List link. 1-9
Disputes Demo Trainer: Click anywhere on the screen to go to the next presentation lesson. 1-9
Reallocate a Transaction Most often, you will reallocate a transaction from the default accounting code to an alternate accounting code. (A transaction assumes the default accounting code of the associated account when the transaction enters Access Online.) You may, however, occasionally reallocate segment by segment. Instructions: Click the accounting code link for the transaction you want to reallocate to an alternate accounting code. Or, select each transaction you want to reallocate and click the Mass Reallocate button. Transaction Management 1-9
Reallocate to an Alternate Accounting Code If your organization uses alternate accounting codes (AACs), then you can reallocate transactions to the AAC. You can also assign an AAC to a manual order when you create the order. Instructions: Select the AAC from the Change Alternate Accounting Code to drop-down list for each allocation. Click the Save Allocations button. Tip! Your organization may have alternate accounting codes (AACs) set up. To reallocate using an AAC, simply select the AAC from the drop-down list. Note: The demo shows how to reallocate using an AAC. AAC Selection Transaction Management 1-9
Reallocate a Transaction Most often, you will reallocate to an AAC. You may, however, occasionally reallocate segment by segment. Instructions: Select the checkbox(es) in the Select column for the transactions you want to reallocate. Click the Reallocate button. A reallocation worksheet displays. Transaction Management 1-9
Reallocate a Transaction Instructions: You can reallocate the transaction(s) to a single accounting code. Simply type or select the values from a valid values list (VVL). (A magnifying glass icon displays if a VVL is available.) –Or– You can divide the transaction(s) among multiple accounting codes by clicking the Add Alloc link. Type the percentage or dollar value for each allocation, until the Amount Remaining is zero percent and zero dollars. Type a new accounting code or select a code from a list of valid values. Click the Save Allocations button. Magnifying glass for VVL The Amount Remaining must be zero. Transaction Management 1-9
Reallocate a Transaction Once you click the Magnifying Glass icon to select a valid value, you can easily search and select a value. Instructions: Specify search criteria. Click the Search button. Click a value’s Select link to select it. You return to the Reallocation Worksheet and your new value displays. Transaction Management 1-9
Reallocation Demonstration The demo uses reallocating to an alternate accounting code as an example. If you want to illustrate another method, you can create your own demo in this lesson. To add your own demo slides, insert a new slide and apply the demo screen slide master. Insert and crop a screen capture. Next, use the rectangle drawing tool to draw a clear rectangle (no fill, no line). Next, select the rectangle and add a hyperlink to the rectangle to the next slide (Insert>Hyperlink). Use a new screen capture for each step you want to illustrate. To make sure the cursor is visible during the demo, right-click and select the Pointer Options>Arrow option. Trainer: Click the upper box to run the reallocation demo or the lower box to skip the demo and go to the next presentation lesson. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the Transaction Management high-level task. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the Transaction List link. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click anywhere on the screen to advance. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the top-most transaction’s date link (i.e., 03/21 for Omega Engineering). 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the Allocations tab. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the Add button. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the top-most Percent field (i.e., 100.00). 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the lower Percent field (i.e., 0.00). 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the upper Change to field. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the lower Change to field. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click anywhere on the screen to advance. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the Save Allocations button. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click anywhere on the screen to advance. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click the Back to Transaction List link. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click anywhere on the screen to advance. Tip! Some organizations set up their programs to automatically approve a transaction when a cardholder reallocates the transaction. In that case, the Pending link would change to an Approved link. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Click anywhere on the screen to advance. 1-9
Reallocation Demo Trainer: Point out the A icon and the Multiple link to show successful reallocation to multiple accounting codes. Click anywhere on the screen to go to the next presentation lesson. 1-9
Transaction Final-Approval Depending on your program setup, cardholders may approve transactions by matching them to manual orders. Other managers (e.g., billing officials, approval managers) can then final-approve transactions. Some organizations require that the final-approver review any related information (e.g., the matched order) before final-approving a transaction. Instructions: On the transaction list, select the check box in the Select column for each transaction to approve. Click the Approve button. The Approval Status changes from Pending to Approved. Tip! Your organization may let users approve a group of transactions. Transaction Management 1-9
Transaction Final-Approval You can also approve a transaction from the transaction detail Summary tab. Instructions: On the transaction list, click the transaction’s date link. Review the detail on any of the tabs. On the Summary tab, click the Approve button. On the transaction list, the Approval Status changes from Pending to Approved. Tip! Keep in mind that you organization may require you to review related information (e.g., the matched order) before final-approving a transaction. For example, you can simply select the Matched Order tab to review the order data. Transaction Management 1-9
Transaction Final-Approval You can easily select the Approval History tab to view the approval history of a transaction. Transaction Management 1-9
Web-Based Training Go to accessible site for users with visual or mobility impairments. Register a new account link The Access Online Web-Based Training The web-based training (WBT) is a detailed training resource on Access Online functions. The WBT includes: Interactive lessons Detailed user guides Quick references Final exam and certification Hands-on simulations Additional reference materials, including a glossary Use the WBT to train yourself on the system and print user guides and quick references to use as your work. You can also bookmark the WBT to access when you need help. Passwords change every two months. Instructions: New users need to register in order to participate in the certification process. To register, click the Register a new account link. (See the next slide.) Registered users log in by typing their e-mail address, personal password and current WBT password and clicking Go. Registered users can click the Forgot your password? link to use the WBT authentication to reset their personal WBT passwords. You can use the Lesson Only Logon field to access the lesson content only. Tip! Cardholders can practice registration by using the WBT Login and Registration simulation available on the training and communication web site. 1-9
Web-Based Training The Access Online Web-Based Training You only need to register once and then you can log in as a registered user. As a registered user, you can review lesson content, access user guides and other documentation, practice hands-on simulations, take the final certification exam, and print a completion certificate. Instructions: To register, specify information in every field. Select the user type carefully, since user type controls which lessons you have access to. Also specify the correct organization short name. Click Register when you are done. Next time, log in as a registered user. 1-9
Web-Based Training Click this link to access lesson content, including procedures, self-evaluation questions, user guides, quick references, and simulations. Click this link to access the final certification exam (not the same as the lesson self-evaluation questions). The Access Online Web-Based Training On the main menu, you can roll your mouse over the menu item to access information about the option. On this screen, you can see that the user has moused over the Go to the certification exam option. The Print certificate option only displays after you pass at least one topic’s certification exam questions. Keep in mind that the WBT contains both self-evaluation questions at the end of each lesson, and, for registered users, a separate final certification exam. Registered users can take the final exam certification exam questions for one or more lessons at a time. The system keeps track of which topics the registered user has passed in the final certification exam. Instructions: Mouse over a main menu option to find out more information. Click an option to proceed. Mouse over an option for more information. 1-9
Web-Based Training Watch the Announcements section for update information and links to updated content. Select a lesson checkbox to review that lesson and access the related user guide. The Access Online Web-Based Training Instructions: Select a lesson check box to take that lesson and access the related user guide. Click the Go to lessons link. Review the Announcements section for information in content updates. Click a link to go directly to the updated content. 1-9
Web-Based Training Links to user guides, quick references, and simulations. WBT navigation lets you go from one lesson to the other, go screen by screen, or skip around within a lesson. The Access Online Web-Based Training Within the lesson, you can read the procedural steps and view the corresponding sample screens and pins. You can go screen by screen, skip around within a lesson, or select another lesson. You can also access user guides, quick references, and simulations. Instructions: Use the scroll bar to read all the steps. Click an arrow to go to the next screen. Click a star to go the another section in the lesson. Click a lesson number to go to another lesson. Click the User Guides link to access user guides and quick references. Click the Simulations link to access the simulations. Sample screens and numbered pins display here. Procedural steps display here. 1-9
Web-Based Training Click a link to access a user guide. Scroll down to access quick references and other documents, such as the glossary. The Access Online Web-Based Training After you click the User Guides or Simulations link, a pop-up window lists the available documents and content. Click a link to access a guide, a quick reference, or a simulation. Instructions: Use the scroll bar to access the complete list. Click a link to open the document or simulation. ©2009 Elan Financial Services. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This publication is neither paid for, sponsored by, nor implies endorsement, in whole or in part, by any element of the United States Government. The information provided is for general use only. Contact the GSA Contracting Office with any questions related to proper use of the master contract. Printed in the USA. Click a link to access a hands-on simulation. 1-9