Introduction is an an entirely new way to manage office discipline referrals. It replaces paper discipline referrals with a streamlined and efficient workflow that helps schools conserve time and resources while providing a world-class analysis of office referral data.
Advantages Faster than paper referrals. Provides immediate teacher notification when an administrator assigns a consequence to a referral. Supports your existing office referral process and definitions. Relieves some of the data collection associated with the RtI for Behavior process.
Advantages Automated record keeping. Improved parent notification and communication. Better information about student behavior trends and patterns. Faster identification of students in need of individualized services.
Accessing Your Account Access your account by opening your web browser and entering the following address into the address bar: We recommend setting this page as your homepage or bookmarking the login page for easy access.
Username Your username is your district- provided address. Do not share your username or password with anyone. Actions you perform when logged in to your account will attributed to you.
Password If you are logging in for the first time, or if you have forgotten your password, you must complete the identity verification process to set a password and login. Click the Can’t access your account? link below the login form and follow the directions.
How to Write a Referral To write a new discipline referral, log in to your account and click Write Referral. Referrals are sent to a common inbox shared by all administrators. Referrals cannot be edited once they are sent. Contact an administrator to delete the referral if there is an error. You will receive an notification when an administrator assigns a consequence to your referral.
Student The student being referred to the office. The who of the referral. The student list contains every currently enrolled student. Choose the student’s last initial to get the right list of students, then select the student. Click the Add a Student... link to add more students to the referral incident.
Date/Time The date and time the incident occurred. The when of the referral. Defaults to the current date and time. Very important to select the date and time the behavior occurred, not the date and time the incident was entered.
Location The place where the referring behavior occurred. The where of the referral.
Subject The academic subject being taught when the incident occurred. Can choose unspecified if the incident occurred during non- instructional time.
Arrangement The instructional arrangement the student was in at the time of the offense. Important when analyzing trends and patterns in referral data. Examples: Group Seatwork Test/Quiz Transition
Offense The student behavior resulting in the referral. The what of the referral. If more than one behavior occurred as part of the same incident, select the most severe and list others in the description box.
Description A complete description of the discipline incident. The what, why, and how of the referral. Include parent contact attempts, steps taken prior to writing the referral, and a complete description of the incident.
Action The action you are taking in response to the incident. Select Send to Administrator to write a referral, or select a classroom action.
Caution! What you type in the description will be sent home to parents, appear on reports, and is subject to subpoena.
Do: Provide a complete, factual description of the incident. Document any conditions leading up to the incident. Document steps taken to correct the behavior prior to referral. Document parent contact regarding the incident. Don’t: Provide subjective opinions about the incident or student. Include personally identifiable information about other students. Vent, ruminate, or engage in any other form of catharsis. Make it about you.
Referral History The History acts as a binder for your referrals. Referrals are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on a referral to view details, including the schedule for the consequence assigned by your administration.
Referral Calendar The Calendar displays referrals and their associated actions. Depending on your account permissions, you may see referrals classroom actions or administrative actions from other users as well.
Rosters Rosters allow you to receive new referral notifications, access incident data and reports for rostered students, and track group progress with roster-level reports. Roster access requires administrative approval.
Dashboard Report The Dashboard is a report of the referrals you have previously written. It will be displayed every time you login. It is designed to highlight trends and patterns in the behavior of your students. The report displays several charts to help you troubleshoot student behavior. Data from the year-ago period are presented in grey to permit year-over-year comparisons.
Most Frequently Referred The ten students with the highest number of discipline referrals and the date the most recent discipline referral was written.
Classroom Summary The Percentile measure is the percent of active users (including administrators) at your school site with fewer referrals. Instructional Cost is the amount of instructional time lost as a result of student exposure to disciplinary action (e.g. 3 days of suspension = 3 lost days of instructional time).
Referral Trending The number of referrals per school day for each month of the year. This metric is used in lieu of raw referral counts to account for an uneven distribution of schools days across months.
Weekday & Time Analyses The Weekday Analysis and Time Analysis show the days and times when referral incidents are most likely.
Referral Distributions The distribution histograms display the percent of referrals accounted for by each listed offense, academic subject, location, administrative action, or instructional arrangement. The actual number of referrals is listed in parenthesis next to the percentage.
Referral Details Your report includes the narrative information for each referral included in the report. Click a referral to view details of the incident, including the days and times of the assigned consequence.
Getting Help Contact a school administrator if you need help with your login information. All other inquires should be directed to support by clicking the Help link at the top of every page.