How to submit a succesfull proposal Training of National Judges on Competition Law Presented by Raffaella Battella Programme Manager – DG Competition –


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Presentation transcript:

How to submit a succesfull proposal Training of National Judges on Competition Law Presented by Raffaella Battella Programme Manager – DG Competition – EU Commission

Structure of this presentation 1. Understand the Call 1.I. Scope and expected results 2.II. Target audience 3.III. Timetable 4.IV. Priority Areas 2. Design your project 3. Do you need a partner? 4. Submitting a potential successful proposal 5. Fill in your proposal and forward budget

1. Understand the Call First of all…. READ THE CALL for PROPOSALS!

1.I. Scope and expected results Projects must (…) clearly demonstrate their EU added-value. ? You can achieve an EU added value also with small-scale and national actions.

EU added value shall be assessed in the light of criteria such as: -their contribution to the consistent and coherent implementation of Union law and to wide public awareness about the rights deriving from it; - their potential to develop mutual trust among Member States and to improve cross- border cooperation; -their transnational impact, their contribution to the elaboration and dissemination of best practices or their potential to create practical tools and solutions that address cross-border or Union-wide challenges.

The funny side of this is that you should demontrate it (EU value added) we should measure it…

1.II. Target Audience "Judicial staff" Judges Prosecutors Judicial court staff Bailiffs Notaries Mediators One or several professions WHO? From where? Participants from one or several Member States (or acceding/candidate country)

What if I include in my project participants who do not fall in the category of "Target Audience"? You can open the participation to ANY individual/professionals BUT -the costs linked to their participation (travels, accommodations, meals etc.) will be NOT reimbursed -number of non eligible should be limited.

Take in consideration that: - You may decide to have paying participants = all profit will be deducted from the EU Commission contribution - In some countries some professionals do not feel at ease when trained together….

1.III. Timetable

For instance… Your budget could be reviewed (normally reduced) if: -Evaluators recommend it (ex. high costs for publications, speakers' fees are excessive etc); -The TOJ team detect mistakes in calculations or attribution of headings -Your costs are not market-oriented See also adjustments phase

When you design and write your project, you must take this in consideration! Remember to insert in your budget a trip to Brussels (flight, accommodation, meals etc.)!

1.IV. Priority areas (CALL 2014) 1) Improvement of knowledge, application and interpretation of EU competition law; 2) Support to National Judicial Institutions on Competition Law knowledge; 3) Improving and/or creating cooperation/networks; 4) Residual* funding for linguistic trainings

2. Design your project It is possible that you already have a project in mind…. maybe it is simply a project you are running since years maybe it is a basic project you always wanted to implement but your institution had no money for it....

Seminars, conferences, basic or advanced trainings… Tradition E-learning platform, webinar, skype lessons, facebook groups… Innovation E-learning+ residential training, simulation of cases, virtual classes, erasmus (exchange of staff for long periods)….. MIX

Initial trainings Advanced trainings Creation of established networks Creation of database Simulation of cases Linguistic trainings Exchange of staff E-learning

3. Do you need a partner? Think about all the tasks you will need to perform and the resources needed: Prepare the material/find speakers Book location, book meals, flight, accommodation etc Market the event Produce material to be published Having a strong partnership (ministry, NCA, judicial schools etc.) is surely a plus but not a condition for financing!

3. Do you need a partner? If you do need a partner and you don't have one available: - think about your government; - think about universities; - think about EU networks/representation (such as EJTN); - think about contacting our former beneficiaries! - contact us and we will publish your search on our website!

4. Submitting a potential successful proposal Let's start with some basics… - check your target audience - check your priority areas (one or more) - check the timetable of your project - fill in the application form + annexes and remember to sign and date them! - make sure to send your proposal before the end of the deadline (check if the post is clearly stamping the date on it and keep the receipt!)

Need Pre-identify training needs (surveys, past experience, on the field knowledge etc.). Try to convince us of this real need! Adapt the contents to the type of audience (apprentice or senior judges, first instance or supreme court judges, courts staff, bailiffs, notaries etc.); Keep in consideration the type of audience and adapt duration, content, methodology, speakers… Quality Pay attention to all the training phases: send pre-reading material, provide sufficient documentation during session and exercise etc. Passive learning is not always the best choice! Introduce case studies, simulations etc. Short or long term trainings? Distance or residential? Conference or seminars? Respect the nature and specifications of it! Evaluation questionnare (before and after)! Structure Preparation-inscriptions-implementation-follow up Every successful event start with a good marketing strategy and ends with a sustainable result (publication, website, platform, database, collection of material etc)

The 5 Award criteria to assess 1. RELEVANCE (30 points)2. QUALITY (30 points) 5. COST EFFECTIVENESS (20 points) a) The extent to which the proposal matches the objectives of the call (10 points) a) Are the methodology (approach, detail and specificity of the proposed activities, quality of the speakers, monitoring systems, marketing strategies etc.) and the timeframe suitable to achieve the desired outcome of the project? (10 points) a) Is the forward budget reasonable, given the expected results and in terms of cost per day of one trained judge (10 points)? b) The extent to which the proposal matches the requirement of an European added value announced in section 2.1 (10 points) b) Are the proposed activities suitably designed for the expected audience (10 points)? b) Do the costs allocated in each section of the budget represent a good value for money in respect to the average market price (10 points)? c) The extent to which the proposal matches the priority areas set in the call and is tailored for national judges (by role, function, seniority) (10 points) c) To what extent the design of the projects allows achieving its goals (balanced distribution of tasks, best choice of expertise etc.) (10 points)? 4.DISSEMINATION (10 points) 5. GEOGRAPHICALL SCOPE (10 points) a) Are there effective plans put in place for appropriate and timely disseminations/sharing of results? (5 points) a)How wide is the geographical impact - in terms of expected results - of the project (based on variety of nationalities involved in terms of participants, targeted group and/or partnership)? (5 points) b) Are the results likely to have a sustainable impact? (5 points) b)Extra points will be awarded to projects involving nationalities less reached by previous projects funded under the Training of National Judges on Competition Law Programme.(5 points) + To qualify for an award, the project must obtain at least 60 out of 100 points and at least 50 % of the points available for criteria 1, 2 and 5.

Remember Training in cross-border context? Think of interpretation, translation of material, choose speakers with linguistic skills and competences with multi-national audience. Location is key for attractiveness. Advertise at least 3/6 months in advance.

5. Fill in your proposal and forward budget Basic rules: Evaluators do not know you! Clearly describe your project! Don't repeat yourself! Fill in every section of your application form (=corresponding to budget). If you don't understand something…refer to the Guide of Applicants available on our website or write to us We are talented but we are not able to read your minds…YET!

Applicant is who is submitting the application! The applicant will take all the money and will spend it! The applicant+co-beneficiary will share the money and will spend it! Application form = Annex 0

Date of the project- see Timetable Total budget = total forward budget


Finished? No! You probably forgot something… The award criteria!!!!

Basic rules Present a balanced budget in EURO Eligible costs! Cost of staff ≤ 50% of the total budget 80% from the EU, 20% from you If your project is well planned in advance, you will not miss any cost (oupss, we forgot the shuttles/meals/interpreters/advertisement costs etc.) Corrections and adjustments

Ready to apply? You still have a month and a half to do it!

Thank you Questions? Tel.97883