Securexam Student Information Session November 9, 2011
Securexam Student Allows for bluebook type exams on a PC or Mac Locks laptop in a secure word processing window with basic editing functions French keyboard is available Spell check is not available Saves every 60 seconds Files are encrypted
System Requirements PC Requirements: –Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 –512 MB RAM –100 MB free hard drive space –Internet access MAC Requirements: –Mac OS 10.4 or higher (including Lion) –40 MB or more free hard drive space –Internet access * Prior to installing software, ensure updates have been run on your computer.
Important Steps 1.Go to: myCourses (WebCT Vista), Law- Student Affairs - Examinations a)Review Faculty of Law – Laptop Examination Policy b)Review the system requirements (PC or Mac) c)Complete and submit the Laptop Examination Agreement d)Review user guides/documentation 2.Go to a)Download and install Securexam Student software 3.Go to Securexam Student a)Get exams and licenses b)Take the practice exam
1. Law - Student Affairs - Examinations WebCT Vista (myCourses) Complete and submit the Laptop Examination Agreement
2. Download and install Securexam Student software
3. Securexam Student Take the practice test
For PC users
For Mac users
Did my exam file upload properly?
Important! Complete the agreement on WebCT Vista (myCourses) Ensure you do the practice test Bring your AC adapter/power adapter to the exam –Do not edit your profile in –Do not change your Password in –Do not use the Forgot My Password when logging into
Resources myCourses (WebCT Vista) - Law-Student Affairs- Examinations –Laptop Examinations 1.Faculty of Law- Securexam Student Information 2.System Requirements for PC and Mac 3.Fall 2011 Laptop Examination Agreement (consent form) 4.Securexam Student - User Guides for PC and Mac ICS Help Desk for Faculty of Law, room 515 NCDH –Verify minimum requirements –Verify latest updates –Help with installing software –Help with running practice test