InvestYYC Application Guide
STEP 1: Accessing the Granting Interface Click on “Access the granting interface”
STEP 2: Logon Page Click “Forgot your Password?” if you are a returning applicant and forgot your password. Click “Log On” to create a new application or access your current draft. Click “Create New Account” if you are a first-time applicant.
STEP 2a: Create New Account Enter your organization information and click “Next Step.” Use your last name if you’re an individual applicant.
STEP 2b: Create New Account Enter your applicant information and click “Next Step.” Duplicate organization info
STEP 2c: Create Password
STEP 3a: Start New Application
STEP 3b: Choose Your Application
STEP 4: The Application Click to print a sample of the application.
STEP 5: Project Description Provide a brief overview of your project, outlining your concept and artistic goals (2000 characters) Explain how InvestYYC is integrated into your project and how InvestYYC creates opportunities for the project that would not be available otherwise (2000 characters) Outline your plans for donor engagement, including a list of donor rewards and donation levels (2000 characters)
STEP 6a: Project Budget Download from /InvestYYC Follow the instructions on the template and online application Save your file “Your Project’s Name Budget InvestYYC”
STEP 6b: Uploading Budget
STEP 6c: Uploading Budget Choose the file you want to upload Select “Open”
STEP 6d: Uploading Budget Scroll to the bottom of the application page and click “Save As Draft” to complete the file upload.
STEP 6e: Uploading Budget Successful upload
STEP 6f: Additional Budget Considerations Indicate the minimum amount of your total fundraising goal required to undertake the project in any form (perhaps not fully realized) Projects have the potential to raise more than their stated fundraising goals. Please outline how your project will use any funds raised above your target (1000 characters)
STEP 7: Project Timeline Provide a timeline of all major dates and deadlines relating to your project (500 characters)
STEP 8: Applicant Information List any relevant skills, experience or assets that will contribute to the success of the project and the funding campaign (1000 characters) If you wish, you may upload a supporting document (consult Step 6 for help uploading) (maximum 2 MB)
STEP 9: Additional Information For registered non-profit organizations ONLY. Individual applicants and collectives/groups may omit this portion. Provide the contact information for your Executive Director (or equivalent) and Board Chair.
STEP 10: Save or Submit Your Application Click “Save As Draft” if you would like to continue working on your application at a later date. Click “Submit Form” when your application is complete.
STEP 11: Logging Off After saving your application, click “Log Off” to exit the Granting Interface.
STEP 12: Logging On to Make Edits Click “Edit Application” to continue working on your application
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