Optimist International1 Optimist International Leadership Development Club Presidents-Elect Seminar Part 4
Optimist International2 Conducting Meetings Presiding at Meetings
Optimist International3 Presiding at Meetings Board of Director’s Meeting General Membership Meeting Committee Meeting
Optimist International4 Presiding at Board and General Membership Meetings Optimists have adopted ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER For official use in Parliamentary Procedures
Optimist International5 Presiding at Meetings ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER Allows for a diversity of opinions to be considered and considered but allow the “majority” of the group to decide the issues.
Optimist International6 Presiding at Meetings ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER 1. Motion – Placed on the floor 2. Motion – Discussed and Considered 3. Motion – Voted for or against
Optimist International7 Committee Meetings Committee meetings are usually informal and don’t require a formal structured procedure. Creativity and organization skills for the committee chair are important to develop the project, plan for the required results, and follow through to make the project successful.
Optimist International8 Conducting Meetings Board Meetings
Optimist International9 Board Meetings Conduct the Business of the Club To oversee projects To oversee use of financial resources To approve or delete club members To formulate and enforce policies
Optimist International10 Board Meetings Who are the members of the Board of Directors?
Optimist International11 Board Meetings Who are the members of the Board of Directors? President Secretary-Treasurer Vice Presidents Directors (May or may not be Committee Chairs)
Optimist International12 Board Meetings Monthly committee reports to the board of Directors build in a way to manage the efforts of the committees with accountability. The work of the club is performed by the committees. Remember, they are volunteers.
Optimist International13 Board Meetings The Club Secretary-Treasurer records the minutes of the Board Meetings. Usually just the motions, who made a seconded, and pass of fail is recorded. These minutes become a permanent record of the club.
Optimist International14 Roundtable Discussions 1.A committee chair who has an important project coming up next week does not show up to report to the Board. What might you do as a club president? 2.A committee Chair is supposed to arrange an essay contest with local school officials. The entry deadline has passed. What might you do as club president? 3.A club bulletin editor is highly motivated but needs direction on writing a bulletin. What might you do as a club president? 4.A member brings a project to the Board but they turn it down because it is not consistent with the purposes of Optimist International and the Club. What might you do as club president?
Optimist International15 Conducting Meetings Club Meetings
Optimist International16 A good Club meeting is a result of careful planning and enthusiastic leadership.
Optimist International17 Have you ever attended a bad club meeting?
Optimist International18 YES Have you ever attended a bad club meeting? Started late No speaker Forgot invocation Poorly planned No guests Nothing accomplished Lack of interest Poor meal service Didn’t have any fun No member participation Forgot the Creed Ended late
Optimist International19 Who is responsible for having a good meeting? YOU ARE!
Optimist International20 Ways to have fun, exciting meetings: oPlan the meeting in advance. (Timed Agenda) o12:00 Call to Order. Start the meeting on time. o12:01 Invocation. o12:02 Meal service. o12:20 Introduce guests. o12:21 Induction and/or introduction of New Members. o12:23 Introduce Members with Birthdays. o12:25 Read New Member proposals. o12:28 Committee announcements. o12:30 Introduce Speaker. o12:31 Speaker’s address. o12:55 Response to Speaker. o12:56 Announce next week’s program. o12:57 Draw for door prize. o12:58 The Optimist Creed. o1:00 Adjourn on time.
Optimist International21 Fellowship Greeters Name Badges Member Activities Participation Awards and Recognition Activities
Optimist International22 Ways to have fun, exciting meetings: oInvite the District Governor. oInvite District Chairs to present training. oInvite local celebrities (TV, radio, historians.) oInvite public officials (police, fire, librarians, etc.) oHave member talent perform.
Optimist International23 Add Fun and Excitement Fun awards Sergeant at Arms Pictures Smile Welcome Birthdays and anniversaries Make up an award day
Optimist International24 Improving Attendance Promote great programs Phone Committee Weekly club newsletter Local newspaper announcements Send the Sheriff out to bring in members who haven’t attended in a while.
Optimist International25 Brainstorm Ask your Fellowship Committee for recommendations. Encourage, motivate, and inspire your Program Committee to provide the best speakers and programs. Publicly Recognize Members for their effort and achievement and added value to the Club.
Optimist International26 Success through Growth Next Break