NC Identity Management (NCID) Changes and the NCIR
NCID is the identity management and access service which provides access control to NC state owned resources, such as the NC Immunization Registry (NCIR) NCID is managed by the Office of Information Technology Services (ITS)
Log In Screen
User Types State Government Employee is a person who is currently employed or assigned to work for an agency within the State of North Carolina government. Local Government Employee is a person who is currently employed or assigned to work for a North Carolina county or municipality. Business User is a person who is requesting access to the State of North Carolina services on the behalf of a business. Individual is a person who is requesting access to the State of North Carolina services as an individual or citizen.
New User Accounts Business, individual and some local government employees (who do not have a delegated administrator) may create a new user account via a self-registration service. Accounts for state and local government employees are created by the delegated administrator associated to the employee’s organization, division and/or section.
Finding Your Designated Administrator
Local/State Govt. NEW Users Log in to NCID ( using the User ID and temporary password given to you by your delegated administrator. A message alerts you that your [temporary] password has expired and you must change it. Click on Change Password to continue. Note that your account will be removed from the system if you do not claim it (set up) within 14 days of it being created.
NEW Business Users
Customer Support and Contact Information To find out more about the NCID Service or for Customer Support, please contact the ITS Customer Support Center: Local: 919/ Toll Free: 800/
Existing Users: Newly migrated business and individual account holders must update their challenge questions and answers the first time they log in to a protected application. Migrated state and local government users must perform the update the first time their password expires.
Forgot User ID
Check your
Forgot Password
Challenge Questions
Important Password Info! You will not be permitted to change your password if you have recently changed it. For state and local government employees, a password must be used for 15 days before it can be changed. Individuals and business users can reset their password after 3 days.
Customer Support and Contact Information To find out more about the NCID Service or for Customer Support, please contact the ITS Customer Support Center: Local: 919/ Toll Free: 800/