DO NOW Describe something memorable from your summer vacation. (Remember to write in complete sentences!) Also, get out the blue survey to hand in.
REVIEW DO NOW Getting Your Attention Dismissal
Where can I find tonight’s homework assignment and the agenda for today’s class? Left side of the front board
Where is the classroom library? What is the procedure for checking out books? Sign out one book at a time Get teacher’s initials when returning the book
When may I use the restroom? Where is the pass located? Right side of the door Good times to ask – beginning of class (do the DO NOW first), end of class, independent time Get planner signed, Sign out and Sign in
What is the procedure for fire drills? Silent in the hallway Silent outside, standing facing forward
Where is the pencil sharpener? Behind my desk One person at a time Do not need to ask BE CAREFUL!
What if I forgot to put my name on an assignment? Black box in the back of room To receive credit, put your name on it and resubmit in late work basket
Where can I hand in an assignment from when I was absent or that I forgot to hand in? Black wire basket in the back of room Absent: write absent and date. Late work: write date.
Where can I find work from when I was absent? Check blue notebook for a list of all missing assignments Check blue box for any handouts that you missed
What is the procedure for when someone calls into the room? SILENT!