Comergence 3/14/13
What Does Comergence Do? Comergence provides streamlined processing and centralized storage of Correspondent applications nationwide. Allows Sellers to share their profiles with Investors they choose without having to fill out new applications for each investor. Stores all Seller documents so basic documents that are needed by all Investors only have to be produced once. Provides HomeBridge with complete Seller application processing. Provides HomeBridge tools to manage Seller’s files, documents and renewals in a paperless system. HomeBridge Other Investor Seller
The Seller Application Process This training will cover the following topics: Starting the Correspondent Seller Application Filling out the Application Adding Seller Application Documents Comergence Role Approval Decision & Communication Answers To Common Questions
Starting the Application There are two ways the Seller can access the HomeBridge application. 1)Link from your website to the on-line application, or 2)An containing a hyperlink to the online application.
Filling Out the Application 1)Sign in if already in the Comergence network. The Seller’s profile is already in the system; simply click to share it with HomeBridge. 2)Start filling out the application by clicking register. Simply populate the application as any other application. From the login page, Seller’s have two choices:
Adding Documents The Seller will upload any documents requested. Documents are uploaded by the Seller into the Comergence system. Along with the e-application, this protects the Seller from identity theft. Adding documents is as simple as browsing and clicking “ADD”. General documents requested by other lenders may already be in the system, saving the Seller valuable time. Documents specific to HomeBridge, such as the MLPA, will never be shared with any other lender. HomeBridge Required Documents
Comergence Role Once the Seller clicks submit, Comergence goes to work Comergence performs the initial background work. This includes items such as licensing, legal claims and criminal background checks. Although Comergence checks major credit items, they do not pull a credit report and thus your clients credit score will not be damaged. Common names can create problems but Comergence can help. Comergence technology and analysts are constantly checking for false items and eliminates those items so that the Seller does not have to explain issues that do not belong to them. Comergence report only facts, never an opinion. Comergence background work turn around times are quoted at hours although they consistently complete the work within 24 hours.
Approval Decision & Communication HomeBridge makes all decisions on Seller approvals. Comergence provides background information only. Comergence never dispositions an application. Upon application completion, the Seller is sent an notification. Sellers can check status of their application 24/7 in the same portal they completed the application. Seller agreements, document updates, annual recertification's and any other Seller management is done quickly and easily through the system. Because documents are stored separately, they can be renewed easily and the system does the follow up for you.
FAQs Q – What is the Seller supposed to do if they have a question or need help? A – If the situation is about the HomeBridge application, the Seller should use the "Live Help" feature on that is accessible on every page. 99% of all questions can usually be handled there and very quickly. If it is about HomeBridge’s programs or policies, the Seller should contact their National Sales Manager. Q – How can the Seller get help with their user name or password? A – The login screen has two buttons: “Forgot User Name?” and “Forgot Password?” These links will send the Seller an to reset the information. Be sure to check the SPAM or Junk Mail boxes if they don’t see the right away.
FAQs (continued) Q – Why does Comergence require all those documents? A – General documents apply to most investors in the Comergence system so the Seller has to only add them once. HomeBridge has the choice to require these, make them optional or not applicable. Investor specific documents are ones that HomeBridge has made a requirement. Comergence is your tool for collecting all documents and has no authority over HomeBridge’s requirements. Q – Will the Seller’s information be exposed or available to another investor? A – The Seller list is available only to HomeBridge. Comergence uses the highest levels of security to prevent any unauthorized viewing.
FAQs (continued) Q – When the Seller tried to register with HomeBridge, the Seller received a message telling them that their “Tax ID or already exists.” What does this mean? A – It means that their company is already registered with Comergence. They should attempt to recall their login credentials and log in to continue. If they do not remember their login credentials (username /password), use the Forgot Username and Forgot Password features on the login page.
FAQs (continued) Q – What if the Seller is not getting their s from Comergence? A – Check spam or junk mail folders Q – Who do I call if I have questions? A – For most questions, contact the Client Management department at
FAQs (continued) Q – How does the Seller get assigned a National Sales Manager? A – The Seller simply chooses the National Sales Manager’s name on the drop down in the application. Q – What happens if Comergence finds a negative item on a Seller? A – Comergence role is to provide clarity on derogatory items. Comergence researches and verifies any issues discovered and eliminates false positives. The decision to approve or deny a Seller is made by HomeBridge.