Sue Coulson Systems Specialist Registrar’s Office Colorado State University
SStudent wants to register for a full section HHe/she may do one of two things GGo to the department or instructor for an Enrollment Limit override KKeep checking to see if a space has opened up in the section and then, be the first one to register for the open seat TTotally random
An ARIES Registration Waitlist is an electronic list of students who are waiting to register for a full class—standing in line electronically rather than physically Students may sign up for this when they attempt to register for a section that has reached its capacity The first student on the waitlist is notified via their RAMmail account when a space becomes available The student then has 24 hours to register for the class before being dropped from the waitlist The student is not automatically registered
Nothing! That’s the beauty of the ARIES Registration Waitlist! Instructors and departments do not have to do anything with the waitlist Everything is handled electronically from the student signing up, to the notification being sent, to the student registering for the section Registration will stay the same for students, staff, and instructors
Instructors and departments may still do whatever overrides they choose to do They may still grant students an Enrollment Limit override, thereby consenting to an increase in the capacity of the section An Enrollment Limit override supersedes the waitlist It allows the student receiving the override to register for a full section regardless of the waitlist Prerequisites and other restrictions are enforced for students signing up for the waitlist so there may be requests for overrides for these things even when the section is full
A ‘Stop Enrollment’ entered on a section will not allow anyone to sign up for the waitlist or register for the class without an override The department or instructor may always do an Enrollment Limit override to allow a student to register for a section Seeing how many and which students are on a waitlist has the possibility of giving an indication of the demand for a course
Look what else is new for instructors!
The ARIES Registration Waitlist will be available for registration for Summer 2010 and beyond There will be an ARIES Registration Waitlist for all undergraduate, on-campus sections The maximum number of students who may sign up for the waitlist of a section is 99 Faculty and staff will not be able to manipulate students’ positions on the waitlist Instructors and departments will be able to see waitlists for prior terms, if needed, for verification or analysis
An notification will be sent to the student A text message may also be sent The student will have 24 hours from the time the notification is sent to register for the section If the first student on the waitlist fails to register for the section before their deadline, they will be dropped from the waitlist and the second person will receive a notification This will continue until someone from the ARIES Registration Waitlist registers for the section
Students are responsible to routinely check their and/or text messages Students who miss the 24 hour deadline must re- register for the ARIES Registration Waitlist if they still wish to register for the course/section
Information for students regarding their waitlisted classes will be available through RAMweb They will be able to see all the classes for which they have signed up on a waitlist They will be able to see their position on each waitlist They will also be able to see any pending deadlines for sections for which they have the opportunity to register
Students will now have the opportunity to ‘wait in line’ electronically for a space in a section—they will not have to depend on chance to get in a full section when a space becomes available The ARIES Registration Waitlist requires no new action or intervention on the part of faculty or staff Everything concerning registration will stay the same with the exception of the availability of the waitlist
Students must meet the prerequisites and/or restrictions of the section before being allowed to sign up for the waitlist The responsibility for the actions connected with the waitlist belongs to the students The student will have 24 hours to register for the section from the time the space available notification is sent There will be a waitlist capacity of 99 for all undergraduate, on-campus sections beginning Summer Session 2010
January 5 – ACUA update January 7 – PDI session February – Review and Demos for ASCSU and UTFAB February – Communications to key campus groups Late February – Department staff invited to meetings on waitlist implementation March – Summer and Fall Class Schedule will display new columns March – Registration Ready live for Summer and Fall with changes to support registration waitlist March 23 – Summer registration live, waitlist available April 5 – Fall registration live, waitlist available
Tuesday, February 23, 9am-10am Lory Student Center, Room 228 Wednesday, February 24, 2pm-3pm Lory Student Center, Room Thursday, March 4, 3pm-4pm Lory Student Center, Room 228