National Transfer Accounts Online Database How to upload and maintain your NTA data on the website
Introduction Country teams should upload and maintain their data in the online database (data will not be public until it is finalized, reviewed, and approved) – Additional way to back up your data – Allows for cross-country comparisons – Shows your progress and allows for consistency checks Uploaded data should be replaced as you update your age profiles Catching potential consistency issues will reduce the need for revisions in the future Up-to-date database lessens the chances that outdated or incorrect data will be used in cross-country comparisons
There are periodic changes to the upload templates. It is best to download a template from the website whenever you upload something. NTA website after you log in:
Age-Specific Data Template from NTA website Yellow fields are automatically filled in Make sure each column has a value in it Note the difference between uploading “0” versus blank fields Do not leave blank rows – it may cause upload problems! If you copy and paste from a sheet with formulas, don’t forget to paste “values only” Required for all uploads Dataland My Name Date
` ` Select your country and click the submit button. This will present all of your data that exist in the database in an Excel spreadsheet Download spreadsheet here. Steps to maintain your data in the database: First, download all data for your country that exists in the database, and note what needs to be corrected/deleted.
Age-Specific Data Template from NTA website Dataland Researcher Name Date Common problems/issues: Definition fields were left blank Need to update figures Uploaded blanks instead of zeroes Forgot to specify correct VarType Uploaded a variable you don’t have data for
Age-Specific Data Template from NTA website How to edit your uploaded data The variable is replaced if your upload has the same specifications for columns A to J. (eg. line 12 replaces 11 and line 14 replaces 13) Common problems/issues: Definition fields were left blank (line 8) Need to update figures (line 11) Uploaded blanks instead of zeroes (line13) Forgot to specify correct VarType (line 15) Uploaded a variable you don’t have data for (line 18) If any of the columns A to J are different, a new record is uploaded. You can ‘hide’ (delete) a record in the database by uploading the same variable (same columns A-J) with a “hidden” status and blank age profile. (eg. line 9 hides 8, line 16 hides 15, line 19 hides 18) Dataland Researcher Name Date
` ` Select your country and click the submit button. This will present all of your data that exist in the database in an Excel spreadsheet Download spreadsheet here. It is recommended that after uploading new data you once again download your country data to check that your upload was carried out correctly.
Lifecycle DeficitLCD ConsumptionC Public ConsumptionCG Public Consumption, EducationCGE Public Consumption, HealthCGH Public Consumption, Other than health and educationCGX Private ConsumptionCF Private Consumption, EducationCFE Private Consumption, HealthCFH Private Consumption, Other than health and educationCFX Less: Labor IncomeYL EarningsYLE Self-employment Labor IncomeYLS List of variables in country tables lifecycle deficit Leave these as non- smooth means Note: using these variable codes from the beginning will make it easier to upload data later. Here is a complete list of variables that are currently being used in the country tables.
ReallocationsR TransfersT Public TransfersTG Public Transfers, InflowsTGI Public Transfers, OutflowsTGO Public Transfers, EducationTGE Public Transfers, Education, InflowsTGEI Public Transfers, Education, OutflowsTGEO Public Transfers, HealthTGH Public Transfers, Health, InflowsTGHI PublicTransfers, Health, OutflowsTGHO Public Transfers, PensionsTGSOA Public Transfers, Pensions, InflowsTGSOAI Public Transfers, Pensions, OutflowsTGSOAO Public Transfers, Other in-kindTGXI Public Transfers, Other in-kind, InflowsTGXII Public Transfers, Other in-kind, OutflowsTGXIO Public Transfers, Other cashTGXC Public Transfers, Other cash, InflowsTGXCI Public Transfers, Other cash, OutflowsTGXCO List of variables in country tables public transfers Leave these as non- smooth means
Private TransfersTF Private Transfers, InflowsTFI Private Transfers, OutflowsTFO Interhousehold TransfersTFB Interhousehold Transfers, InflowsTFBI Interhousehold Transfers, OutflowsTFBO Intrahousehold TransfersTFW Intrahousehold Transfers, InflowsTFWI Intrahousehold Transfers, OutflowsTFWO Intrahousehold Transfers, ConsumptionTFC Intrahousehold Transfers, Consumption, InflowsTFCI Intrahousehold Transfers, Consumption, OutflowsTFCO Intrahousehold Transfers, EducationTFWE Intrahousehold Transfers, Education, InflowsTFWEI Intrahousehold Transfers, Education, OutflowsTFWEO Intrahousehold Transfers, HealthTFWH Intrahousehold Transfers, Health, InflowsTFWHI Intrahousehold Transfers, Health, OutflowsTFWHO Intrahousehold Transfers, Consumption other than health and educationTFWX Intrahousehold Transfers, Consumption other than health and education, InflowsTFWXI Intrahousehold Transfers, Consumption other than health and education, OutflowsTFWXO Intrahousehold Transfers, SavingTFWS Intrahousehold Transfers, Saving, InflowsTFWSI Intrahousehold Transfers, Saving, OutflowsTFWSO List of variables in country tables private transfers Leave these as non- smooth means
Asset-based ReallocationsRA Public Asset-based ReallocationsRAG Public Asset IncomeYAG Public SavingSG Private Asset-based ReallocationsRAF Private Asset IncomeYAF Private Capital Income, business & non-profitsYKF-YKFH Private Capital Income, owner-occupied housingYKFH Private Property IncomeYPF Private SavingSF PopulationDN List of variables in country tables asset-based reallocations
What’s new? TGS (social protection, other) has been merged into TGXC (public transfers, other cash) TFC (intrahousehold transfers, consumption) is a new variable, that is a sum of education, health, and other. It was created for uniformity of the way the country tables are constructed. TFWX (intrahh transfers, consumption other than health and educ) includes TFWA (housing) Outflows are shown as positive in the country tables. This means that net flows are now inflows minus outflows.
What’s new? Remember to keep these unsmooth: CFE, CGE, TFWE, TFWEI, TGE, TGEI – For these variables you may wish to upload only unsmooth means, while for other upload only smooth means. – Any variable that has a mix of smoothed and unsmoothed components should be classified as “smooth mean” CFX = CF – CFE – CFH is now called Private Consumption, Other than health and education. – Components CFD (Private Consumption, Durables) and CFR (Private Consumption, Owned Housing) that were previously offspring of CF are now included in CFX. – CFR and CFD are no longer included in the database. Country teams will still need to calculate consumption of owner occupied housing as part of the intra-household transfer calculations, but the consumption variable is not reported separately. Asset income from owner occupied housing is included in the database. CGX = CG – CGE – CGH changed name from Public Consumption, Other to Public Consumption, Other than health and education.
Common reasons consistency checks fail Components don’t add up to parent variable(s) – Often this is because a variable was updated in the database, while parent variables were not. – For example if you update TGHI, don’t forget to update TGH, TGI, TG, T, and R. Sums include all smooth means, while non-smooth means for some variables have been calculated – For example if you have (unsmoothed) mean CGE, do not include its’ smooth mean in CG, C, and LCD. If you only have inflows (or outflows) calculated, do not make net flows equal to these assuming that the other flows are zero (unless that is true – then you should upload these as zeroes). Old components are left in the database. – If the variable characteristics are not the same, the variable does not get replaced. You need to replace it as “hidden”.