Welcome Parents to 6 th Grade Back to School Night Presenting tonight: Mrs. Vile: D-12 Mrs. Rosica: D-11 Mrs. Tyson: D-13 Mrs. Belmonte: D-14 Mr. Kohler: D-9
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Welcome to 6 th Grade ▪ Exciting and memorable year for students ▪ Year of tremendous growth especially as writers and public speakers ▪ Special activities designed to make the last year of elementary school memorable ▪ I Care Days – quarterly team challenges that will require teamwork and cooperation
Positive Behavior Support Plan ▪ School-wide initiative ▪ CARES rules ▪ Fouls: any child receiving a total of 3 behavioral or social fouls will not participate in the quarterly “I Care Day” activity ▪ Buddy Class
6 th Grade Procedures ▪ Check website if student forgot to copy homework or was absent ▪ Students CANNOT call home for homework, instruments, lunches, projects, etc. ▪ Trying to create independence and self-responsibility ▪ Birthday Celebrations ▪ Conference on Sign-up Genius ▪ Home Access Center (HAC)
Homework About 60 minutes per night on average Math homework nightly Read 30 minutes nightly (fiction and nonfiction) 1 Reading Response every other week Book checks about every 10 days –recommended dates on calendar Social Studies homework – 1 to 2 days per week Science homework – 1 to 2 days per week
Homework Policy Homework Book – missed homework Homework should be here by 9:10 me if problems – don’t stress yourself out or your child If child consistently completes and hands in assignments on time they are MEETING EXPECTATIONS
Study Guides & Assessment Teach study skills for science and social studies Study guides for science and social studies will only have concepts that are on test Tests announced 1 week in advance & quizzes couple days prior Study Cards for science and social studies
6 th Grade Math Mrs. Belmonte and Mrs. Rosica McDougal-Littell Decimals Fractions Ratio/proportion Geometry Integers Equations Probability Problem solving ▪ Daily homework assignments ▪ PSSA prep ▪ Chapter tests, signed ▪ Extra help
6 th Grade Social Studies Global perspective Study Ancient Civilizations around the world : Mesopotamia, Egypt, India/China and Mesoamerica Hands-on, simulation- based when possible Assessments Will administer District Midterm and Final
6 th Grade Science Mrs. Vile and Mrs. Tyson Science is a discovery activity – a process for developing new knowledge FOSS Science Curriculum (Full Option Science System) Helps students develop scientific knowledge Active learning (hands on investigations) Leads to the development of abstract thoughts Uses the Scientific Method Working in Groups Variables, Levers and Pulleys, Earth, Moon, and Stars (FOSS Kits), Biomes, Health and Safety Quizzes/Performance Tasks (Assess knowledge and vocabulary & the application of concepts) District Quarterly Tests
7 th Grade Placement ▪ Follow 7 th grade teachers guidelines ▪ Place student based on performance, not potential ▪ General guidelines from middle school are: Recommending for Honors: (math example) student has 94% average or above all marking periods, strong work ethic, highly motivated, responsible, excellent problem solver, organized, independent worker, needs minimal assistance after a concept is taught.
Any questions?