We had an original outline for the script before webegan filming. However, upon filming we realisedthat this script couldn’t be completely adhered to asthe set we had decided on was different to how weoriginally thought, and therefore we had to makechanges to the plot outline. These are the results.
Paranoia Script Film starts with a dolly shot entering Jess’s bedroom and moving towards Chloe who is sitting on a chair. Jess then begins to talk with Chloe Jess- Are you okay? [Chloe flinches at being touched on the shoulder] Jess- Let’s do your hair then [Girls move towards the mirror, Chloe remains sombre and quiet] Jess- How do you feel about going out for the first time since, you know? Chloe- Alright I guess. Jess- You’ll be fine, it’s just the pub. Chloe- Yeah. I’ll be fine.[Trying to sound upbeat] Jess- Okay then, I’ll just get my shoes on downstairs, you can come down when you’re ready. [Chloe stares into the mirror, trying to prepare herself for the night out. She looks quite tense and nervous, and is trying to calm herself down] Jess- Chloe, are you ready?
Chloe- Yeah, I’ll be down in a sec! [The two girls leave the house and make there way to the pub. The viewer follows them to the pub, and then after a cut, the viewer watches them say goodbye and leave] Chloe- I’ll be fine, it’s only five minutes away. Jess- Okay if you’re sure. [The two girls go there separate ways, and Chloe proceeds to go through the park by herself. She continues through the park, before coming to her front door. A man has been following her home, and he confronts her at the door] Chloe- (screams) Man- Woah, you forgot your keys. Chloe- Thank you. Conner- You’re welcome. [The man walks away, and Chloe enters her house. The man enters an office and turns on a monitor, which shows all of the rooms in Chloe’s house. The man watches the monitors and witnesses another man kidnap Chloe. Upon the successful capture, the man then crosses of a picture of Chloe and adds her to a wall of pictures of previous victims. The film ends on a picture of Chloe’s friend Jess, implying she’s next.]