READ ALOUD : “Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog” GENRE: Narrative Nonfiction Tells a true story about an event Nonfiction that reads like a novel Gives well-researched information while keeping the reader’s interest with an engaging story
kimonos strodes timidly morsel FOCUS ON VOCABULARY kimonos strodes timidly morsel
kimonos Kimonos are a traditional way of dress for women in Japan. In what ways do kimonos look different from a bathrobe? kimonos– loose robes tied with a sash, which are worn by some Japanese women.
strode The cowboys strode into the room. strode– walked confidently What is the difference between strode and crept? strode– walked confidently
timidly The boy approached the giant timidly. timidly - shyly What might you do timidly? timidly - shyly
morsel The mouse ate a morsel of cheese. What is a synonym for morsel? morsel- a very small piece of food
LISTENING FOR A PURPOSE What do you think the author is going to do now? Turn to your partner, and discuss how we know the dog was happy to see the older man. Why did the people build a statue of Hachiko?
neglected I neglected to give Mom the phone messages. What are some reasons why homework might be neglected? neglected– When you forgot or failed to do something
appreciated I appreciated the chance to attend the concert. What have you appreciated? appreciated– valued something
misunderstood I misunderstood the task, so I did extra work. Describe a time when you misunderstood directions. misunderstood– not correctly known
desperate I was so desperate for advice, I even asked my sister. What is the difference between being worried and being desperate? desperate– willing to do just about anything to help or change a situation.
endured Dad endured reading me the same bedtime story when I was little because he knew it was my favorite. What is an antonym for endured? endured– put up with
obedience Obedience is expected of all students during assemblies. When is obedience important for public safety? obedience- doing what you are told when you are told to do it.