LCF - LE Proposed Beta UI Teacher-related Screens and Workflow
Notes Art Art assets (such as icons, logos) are not included in the following mockups. Colors - Background, Title bar, Header bars, Tables, etc. – TBD Slideshow Measures Slideshow mockups are 75% scale, except for message boxes (100% for legibility). Actual Measures Roster screen measures a minimum of 650 pixels wide, but should expand to fill the screen. Teacher Controls box measures 650 pixels wide. Primary [Navigation] button size = 64 x 64 pixels. Graphics (button icons) = 32 x 32. Secondary [Action] button size = 48 x 48 pixels. Graphics (button icons) = 24 x 24. Text and Labels Base font size is 12 pt. / color black. Left aligned. Title Case.
Login Demo Binder Student Roster Start Info Logout Exit Math Reading Writing Content Com. Log Teacher Controls & Lesson Teacher Controls & Lesson Content Scoring Homework Com. Log Tech Log End Preview Details Deliver Rate Add Start/Stop Save Current Session Previous Session Notes Rating Properties Homework Info Notes Rating Properties Homework Info Preview Details Rate Current Session Previous Session Notes Rating Properties Homework Info Notes Rating Properties Homework Info
Launching and Logging In
W = 500 pixels H = 525 pixels Keypad buttons= 50 x 50 pixels Optional: Help button displays Help file (e.g., If you forgot your password..)
Student Roster Wide (full screen) Minimum (650 pixels) Columns are sortable Title bar options: Logout Exit
W = 650+ pixels H = 650 pixels
My Students > Demo
My Students > Select Student > Info
Note: Perhaps Info icon (gold star) itself can act as the Info button, thereby reducing one primary navigation choice.
Note: The” no information” message ---see next slide ---can be eliminated if the Info button is grayed out when there is no student info.
This message can be eliminated – see previous slide.
My Students > Select Student > Binder
Selected Student’s Binder Options: Content (default) Com. Log Tech Logs are also viewable, if needed
“No Content Selected” message could be replaced by “Daily Prescription. Please select a lesson.”
Binder Content Once a lesson is selected, it displays in the header. Once a lesson is selected, the teacher can: Preview it – Currently lessons are previewed in a popup screen. We propose that a lesson previews (at a reduced size) in content area of Teacher Controls. See Details about it Rate it (when rating data is entered, the Save button activates)
Since new lesson templates combine content with answer key, the teacher could use this screen to rate both – thereby eliminating Score > Rate.
Binder > Com. Log Viewing Options: Current Session (default) Previous Sessions
Com. Log Options Notes Rating Properties Homework Info
Student Roster > Start Teacher Controls (in Content view) opens automatically
No content is selected yet, so action buttons are not live. Teacher can add content from here.
A selected lesson can be delivered from here.
Lesson > Teacher Controls Scoring – displays answer key for current lesson. Homework (Help)
Homework Homework Help Start button is a toggle (Start/Stop) Elapsed time shows in header After Stop is clicked, the Save button becomes active, enabling the teacher to record the homework session
Teacher Controls > Tech Logs For technical support info
Teacher Controls > End Session
TC frame margins are indented 10 pixels 650 pixels wide Teacher Controls basic structure
W = 650 pixels Content area H = 390 minimum pixels Vertical Scroll when appropriate Title bar Header bar 1 Nav bar 1 Header bar 2 Nav bar 2 Header bar 3 H = 40 pixels H = 85 pixels H = 30 pixels H = 65 pixels H = 20 pixels