FMESA Presents
The Current State of the Biomedical Profession Biomeds are at a unique crossroad: Do we become recognized as professionals or continue with the status quo Are we ready for our Future ?
many questions about how to shape the future ! Each Biomedical Association has
What are our Challenges? Who are we and how are we perceived? – Professionals or fix it guys
To be licensed or not? CBET CET State Licensed US or Them
We are aging and what can we do about it ? How will we provide the foundation for the next generation Medical Equipment Service Professionals?
Many More??? IT Biomed convergence EMRs BENCHMARKING OEMs vs. ISOs Patient Safety and Regulations Cost Containment Many, many more
Each Society has pondered these questions on their own Sometimes asking the questions with other groups. Sometimes writing an article or two Sometimes looking for answers from outside and beyond (META, AAMI, ECRI and ACCE)
How Can FMESA Help? What FMESA believes is your voice should be heard and that all biomed groups should come together to be heard. We can do this by working in a collaborative framework provided though the Biomed Congress.
So what or who is FMESA FMESA was conceived in early 2009 to unite the "Biomed" Profession. In the past Biomed had been somewhat fragmented and had many voices. The founders of this organization wanted to bring these many voices together into one strong voice that could speak for everyone. One voice that could represent the many Biomeds thru their state and local Biomed Societies and Associations. Final Established September 2009 at the 1 st Biomed congress, Nashville, TN in conjunction with Fall MD Expo 2009.
FMESA Executive Committee Friends of FMESA examples AAMI, ACCE.META Delegates The Biomed Congress Our Roots: The Biomed Organizations Outflow of Ideas Feedback loop
How are Petitions or bills submitted? A bill can be submitted from a biomed group. A bill may be requested by a Friend of biomed but must have a biomed group or a FMESA Executive Board member co- sponsor. The FMESA Executive Board my put forth a bill.
FMESA Petition/Bill Process
The bills are submitted to FMESA’s recording Secretary for processing and distribution to the FMESA members for comment and preparation to vote or take action. A bill will require a second before it can be placed on the floor of congress.
Voting Process Voting works by delegate from each Biomedical Association/Society attending the annual Biomed Congress. Topics presented to the delegates during that year will be debated and a vote taken. Depending on the number of members in each societies determines the number of votes they will carry to cast. example: biomed group XYZ has 175 members their delegate would have 4 votes to cast at the Biomed Congress
Other FMESA functions Serve on committees of other groups Promote our profession Provide forum for white papers addressing the Medical Equipment Community Conduct business as our mission statement guides
FMESA Presents a short Video Enjoy FMESA’s “A Little Piece of the Action”
Q & A Thank you for your time and don’t forgot to check out our web page