“Transgender 101…And Then Some: Increasing Our Knowledge” Kerry Hooks, Texas Tech University Scott Latiolais, Manhattan School of Music Atlanta Georgia ACUHO-I Conference 2006
Program Outline I. Introductions II. Learning Outcomes III. Quiz IV. Definition of Terms/Language V. Challenges, Barriers, and Issues VI. What’s Currently Happening… Survey and Findings VII. Discussion & Best Practices… VIII. Q&A
Learning Outcomes You will learn to identify and have a working knowledge of the language and definitions of the “trans” people population. You will learn identity theory, be provided the joys of being transgender, language, gender issues, and barriers to engagement for trans people. Participates will learn how to provide safe and excellent services for trans people.
Transgender Knowledge Quiz What do you know?
Definition of Terms Sexual Orientation Heterosexual - “Straight” Homosexual - Gay - Lesbian Bisexual Asexual Pansexual Gender Identity/Expression Male Female Transgender - Transsexual 1. MtF 2. FtM - Transvestite 1. Cross Dresser 2. Drag Queen/King - Intersexed
Definitions Cont… General Terms Ally Biphobia Coming Out Gender Gender Dysphoria Gender Expression Gender Identity Heterosexism Homophobia In the Closet/Closeted Out of the Closet Safe Space Sexual Orientation Straight Transphobia Queer Questioning LGBTIQQA
So what is the difference between gender and sex? Our biological sex is what we are born with in terms of chromosomes, hormones and our primary and secondary sex characteristics. Male Intersex Female Genitals do not determine identity!
Identity Gender What society has laid out for people along what we call gender This changes over time and between cultures and classes So, women are moms, teachers, nurses… Dads are construction workers, sports Gender Expression How we express who we feel we are in terms of gender. For many of us, we don’t even think too much about this. It is the constant reiteration of being a gendered person. This is our outward expression of gender. Gender Identity This is who people feel they are * It is not measurable * It is fluid Items to know: Every individual has a sex assigned to them at birth, as well as a gender identity, and sexual orientation (As noted in a Sylvia Rivera Law Project) Identifying as trans does not mean someone is also identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual or queer. (Gender Identity Training, SLRP) It does mean that someone is identifying differently from their assigned sex identity and perhaps will also identify a different gender identity and sexual orientation These distinctions are key on several levels. *Homophobia and transphobia are different. Quite often, what fuels a great deal of the violence against queer folks is prejudice around gender issues
Tips on Supportive Interactions Handout
Societal Challenges, Barriers, and Issues Health Care Violence Poverty Not Being Out Professionals Harassing Housing-Discrimination
Campus Challenges, Barriers, and Issues Academic Experiences in Classrooms Peer & faculty interactions Admissions Advising Scholarship Opportunities Employment Campus Facilities Campus Involvement
Housing Challenges, Barriers, and Issues What issues do we face?
Political Process Small vs. Large School/College/University State vs. Private School/College/University Community Are you a state with anti-cohabitation laws? Are you a state with nondiscrimination laws that include gender identity/expression Are your municipality nondiscrimination laws/statutes inclusive of gender identity/expression? Does your campus nondiscrimination policy include gender identity/expression
Housing – What Others are Doing Surveyed NHTI list serve, Mississippi State housing list serve, Neacuho, Macuho, & Random Director list serve Questions from the Quiz
Findings: General Housing Application Many Schools not using this as an option due to state law (birth sex until SRS) but ask students to contact them to keep confidential Others schools state write in “religious need or expression” Training (not just a policy but a philosphoy, education, inclusiveness, community, empowerment) Gender Neutral Restrooms – traditional residence halls vote on which bathrooms as neutral Theme Housing Finally, 70% responded, not sure what to do
Findings: Housing Living Options Sex Neutral Living Options Men and women in the same suite or room Gender Neutral Living Options Allows gender affirming assignments where different genders, such as intersexed, transgender, and third gender is recognized Mixed Sex Living Options Men and Women living in an apartment but not in bedrooms Gender Neutral Policy – (few around) Some schools advertised we have a policy & we work case by case Some states regulate only assigned by gender at birth and switch after SRS Single/double with private bathroom Single/double with unisex bathroom close proximity Single/double shared with another single/double Apartments
Recommendations: Housing Applications & Contracts Wording/Language To ask to identify or contact an administrator (the department philosophy) the acknowledgement that some students who identify as transgender may be in transition Complications; not inclusive, privacy, parental concerns, and medical records Who has access to applications The law – Does this dictate what you print?
Recommendations: Housing Facilities Gender Neutral Bathrooms & How is this Decided? Gender Neutral Living Defined Allows gender affirming assignments where different genders, such as Intersexed, transgender, and third gender is recognized Mixed Gender Living Defined Men and Women living in an apartment but not in bedrooms Gender Neutral Policy – Options (few around) Some schools advertised we have a policy & we work case by case Some states regulate only assigned by sex at birth and switch after SRS Single/double with private bathroom Single/double with unisex bathroom close proximity Single/double shared with another single/double Apartments
Recommendations: Housing Additional Services, Support, & Advocacy Flexibility Policies and Procedures Privacy Issues The Law Self Identification Discrimination Training and Advocacy
Recommendations: Campus Support Systems LGBT Student Services office or support group On line listing of campus wide neutral restrooms, programs, holding support meetings, facilitating educating the larger community Strategically plan to provide a supportive climate Campus student leaders Know your system, board of regents, board of governors or state systems may have to know state law ( use learning communities or program house)
Top 10 Suggestions Best Practices 1. Campus climate assessment 2. Examine campus policy 3. Steering committee 4. Student organizations 5. Staff training 6. Visibility campaigns – educating & empowering 7. Ally training 8. Programming 9. Incident response team 10. Creation of policy, procedure, and documents
A Note on the Law Transgender records/policies: dex.htm#practices Transgender laws by state:
Discussion on Best Practices Where do we go from here? Break up into small groups based on institutional enrollment and institutional classification Reflection of material discussed Share experiences Brainstorm/develop ideas for your campus Take home a strategy
Online Resources National Consortium of Directors of LGBT Resources in Higher Education American Civil Liberties Union Lesbian and Gay Rights Project Transgender Law page Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund National Center For Lesbian Rights Transgender Law and Policy Institute Transgender Law Center, San Francisco Outright Vermont Trans Terms
Thank you for you time Kerry Scott Latiolais