Toss It! Trash It! Treasure It! A Guide for Clutter-Free Living In the 21st Century
Clutter, clutter everywhere! When does a home begin to feel and look cluttered? How tidy is too tidy?
Clutter doesn’t just happen… Clutter won’t go away by itself. Clutter problems can be solved. Find the cause and fix it.
Benefits of dealing with clutter Clutter that’s out of control wastes: Time, Space, Energy. Understanding clutter helps in solving the problem.
Why do we have clutter? Disorganized household? Society with many tempting choices and easy credit? Encouragement to buy and acquire to indicate affluence? Many options available in today’s world? Stage in life cycle? All of the above?
Interesting facts about clutter Our cultural and industrial systems have concentrated on helping us acquire things. No one has told us to downsize or throw out…until recently. Controlling clutter has now become big business!
Interesting facts about clutter Average household size has declined while average space in home has doubled since the 1950s. One out of every eleven people in United States rents extra storage space during a year. Off-site storage facilities Storage pods stored in a yard Television programs offer solutions.
Interesting facts about clutter Clutterers Anonymous has a 12-step recovery program. The National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization trains professional organizers to serve households and businesses.
Interesting facts about clutter The National Association of Professional Organizers has twenty-four chapters in the United States. January is Get Organized Month!
Clutter buster thoughts… Clutter may be caused by: Good intentions, Too much to do, False economy, Too many things, Other causes.
Clutter buster thoughts… Reasons for getting rid of clutter: Streamlined interiors are the trend. Streamlined interiors look neater and give peace of mind. Easier to find things quickly. Less expense involved for storing, cleaning, transporting, and insuring. If it’s worth keeping, it’s worth keeping well!
Toss it, trash it, treasure it! Sort things into categories… Keep it, trash it, give it away. Think tough! What is easily replaceable? How many plastic bags and margarine tubs do you really need? What is no longer needed? How long should you keep clothing that you ‘might’ wear or fit into someday? How precious are greeting cards from past holidays and events? Can you think of other similar examples?
Toss it, trash it, treasure it! Recycle it, toss it into a donation box, or give to someone who can use it. Can it be recycled or reused? Can it be given to a relative or friend? Can it be placed in a Goodwill or church donation? (good condition, ready to use.) Is there an organization that could use it? (hobby club, quilting group, day care.)
Toss it, trash it, treasure it! Keep it … to use or to treasure. Accessories can be rotated. Place seldom used items in long-term storage areas. (seasonal, holiday items.) Place often needed items at point of first use. Family keepsakes need special attention from damage, light, moisture, and extreme temperatures.
Toss it, trash it, treasure it! Clutter doesn’t happen overnight. Solving clutter problems won’t happen overnight. Patience and persistence are essential! Recognize the reason for clutter areas first. Then you can solve the problem.
Ideas…ideas…ideas! Containers help control potential clutter areas!
Kitchens and spaces… A neat, well- organized pantry or closet makes things easy to see and use! Containers come in all shapes and sizes. Door and wall shelving is easy to install.
Divide and conquer… Keep items at point of first use. Make things easy to find and use.
Divide and conquer… Find things in drawers easily in every room of your home!
Closets and hidden storage… Make a plan! Add shelving and drawers to create the best use of the closet space you have. Containers help solve clutter problems. Shoes are easy to find and put away!
Children’s rooms… Shelves are low enough for a child to reach. Colorful toys can simply be tossed into containers or stacked on shelves by children.
Children’s rooms… Closet shows efficient and organized use of space. Lower clothes rod when child gets older to help them be independent.
Behind closed doors…
Specialty storage needs… Purchased organizers help control collections, household items, and potential clutter.
Adjustable shelving… A neat idea for those hard-to-reach areas!
Tips for controlling clutter… Take time every day to wash the dishes, make the bed, and quickly straighten the bathroom. Do a quick daily pick-up. When you leave a room, take a look to see if there are items that need to go with you. Take care of things right away. Don’t put them off.
Tips for controlling clutter… Set limits on things you keep. Don’t allow items to pile up at the top or bottom of the stairs. Keep a box or shopping bag in every closet for items that you need to recycle, discard, sell, or give away. Make it easy for family members to put things away.
Maintain a clutter-free life! Establish good habits. (This takes time.) Adopt a one-in, one-out habit. Rely on outside resources when possible and practical. Accept reality. Pick spots where clutter is acceptable.
Maintain a clutter-free life! Things to keep in mind: The fewer things you bring into your home, the less chance for clutter. Buy something only after you know where you’ll keep it. Good habits, once established, help protect your home from clutter.
Toss It! Trash It! Treasure It! A guide for clutter-free living in the 21 st century Photography by Mary Hixson Garrard County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences Linda Adler, M.A. Extension Specialist for Home Furnishings February 2008 Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Copyright 2007 for materials developed by University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. This publication may be reproduced in portions or its entirety for educational or nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author's) and include this copyright notice. Publications are also available at