Mountaineer Cadet Officer Leadership School MCOLS (Summer Leadership School) 14 June 2009 – 20 June 2009
Overview What is MCOLS ? What is MCOLS ? Where is MCOLS? Where is MCOLS? Who is Going? Who is Going? Fitness Requirements Fitness Requirements List of Required Items List of Required Items Accommodations Accommodations
Overview Academics Daily Schedule ClothingMoneyTransportationHandbookQuestions
What is MCOLS? Cadet Officer Leadership School Cadet Officer Leadership School An Air Force approved school designed to provide leadership training for those cadets who have been identified as potential leaders in the unit. An Air Force approved school designed to provide leadership training for those cadets who have been identified as potential leaders in the unit.
Where is MCOLS Concord College, Athens, West Virginia
Who Is Going? Lt Col Elizabeth Lassiter Lt Col Elizabeth Lassiter Master Sergeant Dean Temple Master Sergeant Dean Temple 17 (18) Selected Cadets from VA (18) Selected Cadets from VA Cadets throughout Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina 235 Cadets throughout Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina
Physical Fitness Test for Males Fitness Requirements: Fitness Requirements: –Males: 1 Mile Run – 9:30 Minutes (or less) 1 Mile Run – 9:30 Minutes (or less) 20 push-ups – 1 minute 20 push-ups – 1 minute 25 sit-ups – 1 Minute 25 sit-ups – 1 Minute 23 Lunges- 1 Minute Two Arm Plank- 49 Seconds or more V-sit Reach-.25” or more
Physical Fitness Test for Females Fitness Requirements: Fitness Requirements: –Females: 1 Mile Run – 11 Minutes (or less) 1 Mile Run – 11 Minutes (or less) 11 push-ups – 1 minute 11 push-ups – 1 minute 25 sit-ups – 1 Minute 25 sit-ups – 1 Minute 18 Lunges- 1 Minute Two Arm Plank- 34 Seconds or more V-sit Reach- 1.25” or more
Physical Fitness Every day 1 mile run Push-UpsSit-UpsMarchingIntramurals Parade Practice
Accommodations College dorm rooms College dorm rooms One shower per room One shower per room One closet per cadet One closet per cadet One desk per cadet One desk per cadet See Handout See Handout
Academics Morning Activities Leadership Leadership Response Exercises Hands-OnOrienteering
Daily Schedule 0500 – 2100 On the go BreakfastLunchDinnerMeetings Getting ready for tomorrow
DOT Mountaineer Cadet Officer Leadership School Cadet Group WE D 4th Squadron 1st Squadron2nd Squadron3rd Squadron TIM EG FltH FltA Flt B FltC FltD FltE FltF Flt 500Reveille for Entire Group at 0500 Hours 515Morning Formation and Transit to Physical Training 530 Morning Physical Training for Entire Cadet Group and Transit to Dorms Flag Detail Clean-up & Uniform and Room Inspection Preparation 645 Clean-up & Inspect Prep 700 Transit to Breakfast Each Flights' Laundry Team Starts Laundry in Assigned Washer 715 Breakfast Transit to Breakfast Flight Advisor Time 730 Breakfast Transit to Breakfast 745 Finish Prep. for Uniform & Room Inspections Breakfast Flight Advisor Time 815 Flight Advisor TimeFinish Preparations for Uniform & Room Inspections 830 Group Dress and Appearance Inspections Example of Schedule
Clothing 2 sets of uniforms for each cadet* 2 sets of uniforms for each cadet* One set of sweats for each cadet* One set of sweats for each cadet* Laundry rooms are available** Laundry rooms are available** –2 sets PT clothing* 2 pairs sneakers 2 pairs sneakers * Provided by JROTC * Provided by JROTC
Money $ –$20.00 Paid by VA –$ Paid by AFJROTC Association $20 due today –Balance due by 15 May 2009 Non-Refundable after 1 June 2009 Pays for food, lodging etc.
Transportation Transit bus will be departing MHS at TBA Sunday June 14 th and returning Saturday TBA June 20 rd TBA Sunday June 14 th and returning Saturday TBA June 20 rd Lunch will be provided enroute Times are subject to change!
HANDBOOK MCOLS 2009 Handbook is available on the assignments drive, as well as the AFJROTC Website PLEASE READ!