In English Present Past Past Participle SingSangSung GoWentGone EatAteEaten WriteWroteWritten GiveGaveGiven
How to Form in Spanish In Spanish, regular –ar verbs form the past participle with –ado. Regular –er and –ir verbs form the past participle with –ido. INFINITIVESTEMPAST PARTICIPLE bailar bail- bailado comer com- comido vivir viv- vivido
OJO! íATENCIÓN! The past participles of –er and –ir verbs whose stems end in –a, –e, or –o carry a written accent mark on the i of the –ido ending. caer caído creer creído leer leído oír oído reír reído sonreír sonreído traer traído
Acronym? Can you come up with an acronym to remember these irregulars? Use the first letter of each verb and try to think of a sentence.
How to use past participles In Spanish, as in English, past participles can be used as adjectives. They are often used with the verb estar to describe a condition or state that results from an action. Like other Spanish adjectives, they must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Ella vio una botella rota en la playa. She saw a broken bottle on the beach. Tenemos la mesa puesta y la cena hecha. We have the table set and dinner made. Me gusta usar papel reciclado. I like to use recycled paper. Este río ya no está contaminado. This river is no longer contaminated.
You Try! 1. hablar_____ 9. correr _____ 2. beber _____10. leer _____ 3. decidir _____ 11. ver _____ 4. romper _____ 12. hacer _____ 5. escribir _____ 13. morir _____ 6. cantar _____ 14. reír _____ 7. oír _____ 15. mirar _____ 8. traer _____ 16. abrir _____