INTD 50A floor plan considerations
floor plans two-dimensional layout of rooms scaled (1/4 inch = 1 foot) drawing showing: less detail than the blueprints used by all trades people drawn for each floor level of a structure
shows: exterior and interior walls size and location of windows and doors
shows: size and location of windows and doors built-in cabinets and appliances
shows: built-in cabinets and appliances permanent fixtures stairs and fireplaces
shows: porches, patios, and decks room names and approximate sizes
used to: judge space dimensions in a room determine architectural detail placement in a room study suitability to lifestyles create a decorating plan
three main areas of the home living/social—includes the living room, dining room, family or recreation room, hobby rooms, study, library, etc… sleeping/quiet—includes bedrooms, bathrooms and dressing areas service/work—includes kitchen, clothes care center, utility room, basement, and garage
storage considerations storage space needs to be adequate—10-15% of the home should be convenient and easily accessible should be incorporated throughout the entire home
storage types built-in—cannot be moved around the room, an architectural detail of the room cupboards, closets, pantries, etc….
storage types furniture—moveable from one room to another desks, chests, dressers, trunks, armoires, etc…
participation activity: storage types …using interior design magazines, find two examples of built-in storage and two examples of furniture storage—each example must represent a different option (i.e…you cannot have two images of kitchen cabinets for your built-in examples) …tear out each of the four examples and write notations on the page that state: the category (built-in or furniture) the type (cupboards, pantry, desk) where it could be used …staple your four pages with notations together & hand them in
traffic & circulation patterns circulation is the route that people follow as they move from one place to another in the home generally 3-4 feet of space should be allowed for circulation paths
traffic & circulation patterns circulation frequency refers to the number of times a route is repeated in any given period of time generally routes with high circulation frequency are short and direct in a good floor plan
types of circulation family—follows each member of the household throughout home; most complex
types of circulation work—kitchen is generally the hub of work circulation work triangle: route between the sink, refrigerator, and range should not exceed 22 feet in length what other rooms do we work in?
types of circulation service—relates to the movement of people in and out of the home as they make service calls, deliver goods, read meters, take garbage out, etc…
types of circulation guest—involves movement from the entry to the coat closet and to the living room with access to a powder room
room relationships dictate how functional a space will be examples: dining area adjacent to the living room for convenience in entertaining
room relationships dictate how functional a space will be examples: kitchen should be adjacent to the dining room for ease in serving food
room relationships dictate how functional a space will be examples: bathrooms should be located close to bedrooms for convenience and privacy
effective circulation guidelines rooms should not be cut in half due to circulation paths related rooms are close together
effective circulation guidelines bathrooms should be located next to bedrooms locate the kitchen near the garage and service entrance
effective circulation guidelines high frequency routes are short and simple excessive hall space is avoided
types of floor plans to consider closed floor plan—separate rooms enclosed by walls with an entry door benefits: noise reduction, privacy drawbacks: costly, breaks up space to make it appear smaller
types of floor plans to consider open floor plan—few separating walls benefits—saves cost of building material, home tends to appear more spacious drawbacks—no privacy, noise levels
floor plan evaluation should include: areas/zones traffic and circulation patterns sizes and shapes of rooms use and function of rooms useable wall space (not broken up with windows and doors) storage consideration
floor plan evaluation