Brit Tastad Craig Mamer
Product Closet Styles provides it’s clients with the base to start off their day right with a organized, stress free task of getting dressed in morning.
Target Market Females and males Mid to high income Age 25+ Interest in fashion
Competitor Map
Positioning Statement Assisting our clients with maintaining an organized life, starting with their closet.
Marketing Convention, trade shows (ex. Women’s Worlds) Clothing store, primarily Manhattan Casuals (same target market) Website Word of mouth Headquarters
Marketing Advertising: Social media Website Brochures Mobile billboard Word of mouth Promotion: One free re-organization for new customers (will the value)
Investment & Revenues Total capital requirement: $10,750 Financed: 100% equity Breakeven: 16 units (low fixed costs) Brit’s hourly wage: $ $40.66/hour