Lighting Hours of Use EnergyStar New Construction David Baylon.


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Presentation transcript:

Lighting Hours of Use EnergyStar New Construction David Baylon

Metering Lighting Runtime KEMA evaluation of EStar new construction logged hours of use (HOU) – 467 fixtures logged in 68 homes – Fixtures logged using an on-site random assignment Runtime accumulated by room type. Average HOU calculated from the weighting of each room type. For sample average HOU for the lighting systems was 1.2 hours

HOU Calculation The 2005 Residential New Construction Characterization (RLW,2007) – 604 lighting audits across the region – Detailed Lighting power divided into 24 room types – Reallocated into EStar HOU categories The EStar evaluation (KEMA, 2010) – 345 homes with lighting audit, – 68 with runtime meters on 6 to 8 fixtures. – Runtime weights use the lighting loggers only Final HOU estimate: RLW fixture weights, KEMA runt time results

Weights by Room Type

HOU metering results

Hours of Use, New Construction Room TypeHours/DayRLW Weights Baths % Beds % LR % Kit % Hall % Closet0.53.3% Office2.12.8% Other % Exterior3.8*4.9% Total % *California, “Upstream Lighting program” evaluation,2010

Conclusion New construction lighting runtime should be reset. Current lighting runtime used for savings based on 2 hrs/lamp/day This suggests the runtime assumption be reduced to 1.5 hrs/lamp/day