EQ: How are living things classified? Vocab: binomial nomenclature, genus, kingdom Initial Activity: What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy? Take out your homework to be collected Homework: Finish evaluation questions, memorize phylogeny
Charolus Linnaeus looked at organisms and grouped the individuals that had similar structure together Structure is the way things are shaped or formed. Linnaeus created a system called binomial nomenclature
Scientists study fossils, hereditary information, and early stages of development to determine classification Two Words Genus: group of similar species Second word describes the feature that distinguishes the group.
Help avoid mistakes Similar evolutionary histories are classified together Give descriptive information about the species
Scientists use the phylogeny of an organism, how it developed from birth, heredity information and fossils to classify organisms
KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata ClassMammalia OrderCetacea FamilyDelphindae GenusTursiaps SpeciesTursiaps truncatus
Essential Question: How can I classify different organisms? Initial Activity: Ms. Rizzo’s Closet Ms. Rizzo loves to shop! When I get home from Macy’s or Nordstrom’s I always make sure to put my purchases away in the right place. I put all of my dresses on one side of my closet, all of my shirts on the other. I fold all of my pants and put them in drawers. In one drawer I put all of my jeans and in another I put all of my dress pants. I put all of my shoes on the bottom of my closet. On one side I put my heels on the other side I put my boots. Draw a diagram of Ms. Rizzo’s closet. Label the diagram.
Characteristics I COULD use? Characteristics I COULD NOT use? -body shape -symmetry -Sex -Age Scientists use physical characteristics to classify organisms. Review: Why would I want to classify organisms?
Create your own classification system Split apart your items into two groups each time until you are left with a single item Create a web to display your system Organism Number Characteristic
EQ: How can I use a dichotomous key to classify a group of organisms? IA: Write three similarities and three differences between these pictures Dragonfly Grasshopper Ladybug Housefly
EQ: How can I use a dichotomous key to classify a group of organisms? IA: Answer questions 3-6 on the handout`
“Dichotomous” means “divided into two parts”. Therefore, dichotomous keys always give two choices in each step. They are useful because you can figure out what something is by just observing it A Dichotomous key is like a scavenger hunt. You follow the directions to figure out what you know Broad to specific Only use positive terms
Dragonfly Grasshopper Ladybug Housefly
First create a web to split up the organisms into two groups until you reach one organism in each box Create a dichotomous key of the mythical creatures.