SPEAK PRESENTATION Dramatic reading of a passage Explanation of your passage – what does it mean? What does it reveal? What connections can you make? Visual Aid – representing significant ideas in the passage. Symbolic images, not just literal
Choose a passage to read I watch myself in the mirror across the room. Ugh. My hair is completely hidden under the comforter. I look for the shapes in my face. Could I put a face in my tree, like a dryad from Greek mythology? Two muddy-circle eyes under black-dash eyebrows, piggy nose nostrils, and chewed-up horror of a mouth. Definitely not a dryad face. I can’t stop biting my lips. It looks like my mouth belongs to someone else, someone I don’t even know. I get out of bed and take down the mirror. I put it in the back of my closet, facing the wall. p. 16-17
Create a visual for your presentation Benefits Audience looks at this instead of you Audience can think about the meaning while you are reading to them If you forget what you want to say about the quote, you can talk about why you chose the pictures or the quotes
“completely hidden under the comforter” LOW SELF ESTEEM “I put it in the back of my closet” “completely hidden under the comforter” “Definitely not a dryad face”
VISUAL REPRESENTATION A basic example 4/6 At least 2 images 2 literal: mirror/lips 1 symbolic: person “hiding” under a hoody and covering face with hands 3 quotes 1 big idea X extra words
“someone I don’t even know.” “a dryad from Greek mythology” DEPRESSION LOW SELF ESTEEM “I put it in the back of my closet” “completely hidden” BEAUTY “someone I don’t even know.” “a dryad from Greek mythology” “Definitely not a dryad face”
Evaluation = 6/6 Literal Symbolic LAYOUT Coloured text to show connections Line shows contrast X symbolizes what she doesn’t have Mirror Lips Dryad Not recognizing herself: Question mark; shadow figure Desire to hide under the blankets: Hooded figure not showing face TEXT: 4 short quotes Additional key words to unify